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obviously to undermine confidence in the present Goyemment ,for the purpose of preparing the ground for a fiwwnog-ary<qovernment, which the communists want to irapose on the people.Such a Pftgy Government,the establishment of which is envisaged by com-munist propaganda,would be designed to fraudulently represent the whole nation abroad,at the same time working in the country itself for a communist dictatorship and the incorporation of the

whole of PolandłMto Russia.    145

The communists from the łPolish Workers* Party*,using dis-honestly and treacherously national and patriotic slogans,as well as catchwords of supposed social progress,endeavour to split up and disorganise the political organieation of Poland as well as the Home Army,sub;Ject to the Polish Goyernment^-on the same terms as the Polish Armies in Allied territories. They try to spread disunity and chaos by promoting the so-called fPeoplef8 Anny*, accredited to the *Polish Red Diyisions* attached to the Soviet Army and completely subordinated to its Command.This communist activity aims at disrupting and weakening the Polish underground army,fighting for the independence of Poland.

This i8 not all.There is one matter of the utmost importance in which the communists want to split up Polish opinion,which is completely unanimous on this particular issue.lt is the problem of Poland* s eastem frontier.The whole Polish nation is inflexible


in its determination to keep the frontier determined by the treaty of Riga in 1921 - a frontier which the Soviet Govemment neyer ouestioned before 1959 and which it did not yiolate until Poland


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