4 sept.
His iibcceJ loucy Wl&dysl ©w Rac z ki ew i oz Prcsideut or tli© rtepublic of Póle ad London
Pivc yoors uro Ou hep ten.ber firet Polarni t ho f irsb net i on to t&ke up aras against our ooi;ion enemy ror.e to dofonti horeolf against a -owerful and brutal aggroaeor The indoml tubie people and soldiera or i olanej ln spite or into?.oracie repression havo never slaokened in thut right and today aro i-till shriking valiant and eff- otlva błons in the onuce of liborty/Paragrepli/-
I wieli to assure you 'r.President of the deep' edrr.lraticm and oynipathy i bbó people of tho United States for tlio hcrolo Pollsh peoj>le and to thnnk you for y our teaiegran conveying exprt-s8ione of faith and adniration for my country.
franklin I>*Roo.-;©y©lt *
1944 3ep 5 a 2 13
fcLT Władysław Haoa&iewiez Pres idea.t of Po land LUN
Your _>.collenoy: o dęło?.at.ee of tho olia!
erry Yeterans ooiwentioi. of Ar.oricn. and Łheir suxiliarioa met ot the- 14th ani.uel convent.ion ln Chicago 111 on iłnd ona ord or Leptotuber 1944 estend to you .r. Pres id out und tho w hole herolo net i ori of o land our hlf;hest ostce ca tnd ęonfidenoe, rr,ay tho hord Alcnighty blefie you and give you strongth and the Gospel truth and the defeuded ucen of Polcnd tako und er her wiugs; t. • ol liro poople of Polami from f\a ócks and wroni; doings from the enemy.
Continua your herolo ,ervlco and .vhcn U.e time will oone
ni 11 i ona of Po.lea in the emt.ire world will fight to de-
fend the land of our f&bhera on thelr lipa t.aet liberty
is oure and yours,
•'/ulter iCr&woseaekl9 Cha irnan Joseph Chojnacki,Sec,