# i
Deceraoer 23, 1944
My dear Mr. Prime Minister: wił
Ambaeeador Ciechanowski hae forwarded to me your klnd letter expresslng deep gratltude on behalf of the Polleh Government for my frlendllnees to the Polleh natlon. Ali Amerlcans have a deep feellng of sympathy and admlratlon for the courageous and brave Pollsh people who have borne wlth such strength and fortltude the most arduous burdena and prlvatlon under the Nazl yoke.
It ls thl6 admlratlon whlch has guided us ln our effort6 to be of asslstance to the Polleh people ln order that they may build thelr futurę on the flrmest poeslble foundatlons. Wlth thle thought ln rr.ind I was gratlfled to notę that you ehare Mr. Mikołajczyk's earnest deslre to reach an eqult-able, Just and durable underetandlng wlth the 3ovlet Union. I feel, ln thle connectlon, that I should expree8 to you my earnest hope that lt will, ln the near futurę, be poeslble to reach a mutually satis-factory solutlon of the frontler ąuestlon ln order that thereafter the Pollsh people may bend thelr ef-forte to the restoratlon of thelr native homeland and the establishment of a etrong, free, and Independent deraocratic natlon.
I appreciate your expresslon of thanks for the deflnltlon of the United States Government' s posl-tlon regardlng Poland outllned ln my message to Mr. Mikołajczyk of November 17, 1S44.