Jhe Poliah soldiers.who frayy bcqfr łi igiitins-Bince 1939, mm

w * fóo


- fi -


in Po land/*’rano e,Norvay .Afrlca and Italy - in the Battle of Bri-

PLl a^_.>

tain iń the airfand on prttCAJste seas - ar*" nowifeti^«d wŁth lack

od fighting BpiriWjfeA^ia q pupftLiioi^o    Art-a timr.-Tfhott

American and British soldiers ara^p^mised already now, -and—

r*i &frfrły,ernp 1 oyment and better conu^tions after their return home^_

£ X~£x>    ii^A-kjvi^ f &{ixjuc\^    j

the PolieiT^oTdi erE,airmen ana "aailorgyate told that,d-L thoyT "

W ^ eayyiye uiiw-t'ii^iruiną,they will sbx not be allowed to return to i    L cuZz/

e t-t-g-b'ci'ng

U*. <rvu

their home^ytheir familiestfrhoir -u jurrtry frarno^fiopedL dy- iolaiTd as -g1 maiewawa oofloeBfiiea fosunity- in ulnr-aOii

*.    LIr.President.ui UyyTountry,and

fi^-K tWJL ^CfrjŁA^    / .    *    --- ftjp, f f_

ioes not understand v?hy itsyśacrif ices A^<n> C ef-.V p.

ty- *l

/)    "to lty-nocma - ■tteeayyto have be en forgotten.3 t > n nn n r.ot aafr—'

CJL-Q-^P)y\s    a j /    / Jr ł

Wy»T5f,TąyayiH^ fMMTt^Ły « ay -jnotior.    trYAj* ^TrU^JL^ —

It U.IW. belieyes that the rights of the Vtir

be respected by the /rrtrrmtH^.    -    CC

My country da ilu nyfr understand why.in the i'ii'th year of war, it does not ^^sui'l*icient armaments and supplies i‘or its underfi

tt-ap»akg ab


ground struggle.at a time when

fxi>s^ma88 production o^^rrcr^t^airiweapónśjfpoląpd needa    lor

-ir finał u » BiAmiit- e-rth- the Oerman8#a»d fears that

fij (XVł>UU-UdL

’ j ^an tiwy    ___

CKfyw^K a^eur^l 4i^ C^u^-łi    tjrtr*__

. Ojl 193&jit wdll^bg- tt".'aiiŁ^at,faaeiwd,M i-a

■g-tirc a tr

•e<wA4.ifc> ^ /-Au->A,

e    j iijrgkgd"'!^

fry u^- h U*

|any? 1'about shortage of aircrait and bad weather con-

ditj^n^w^uncon^icingfv?hGn the supply of eąuipmont for the

Underground ArmySiSir^lrtualiy stoppea sińce the autumn of 1943


and only a fraction of the planned 300 flights    carried out.

Lir.President^ Yeu arę io> my natioij a great hiatorieal figurę

1.OYfui-By-adrł an i ^a^crihaiL-iił- W^-undegin-nł.^^ p^an ar a werthy

*V «L>0

aucceeaor—ef^yaur-groc^ p^de^ooeroro and a Champion of those principles which you have proclaimed with suchd conviction,preseuting to 'jrirnfafU a vision of human freedom

+ '■

pi'0grera Vk


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