- a -
.'vfrioa and Italy - Jln thc nottle of ariteln in the olrt and on thc jeven -ena - of o la oh of figitinc apirlt. .hllo AmerlMn and nrltlah ooldlers ore riffctly broaiood olrecćy non ariploynent ond bctter oonditlono cftcr tl*elr return hooo, - tho *olidb aol-dlera» nimon onC oallora,oho coco fron hastom . olrruS, Clre to Id
thnt tbey aLŁrr.?oa to return to their honea and their fad-
!*r. resident* aj»
tho ono hond and tełaptod on tho othor, *w’frri undoretond vhy it® croat eoarlfloee ep^eer to hcve been foreotten. It doee not olain pcyjaent or reward, but only Juatioe.- 2t still bellovce thnt the righta of tho »ec.k will be roapeotoć by tho
Sp VRFV*t*nC?n™0t understand why, in the fifth yofip of t?Gp# it dooa not reociwe sufftalent ernonent end euppllee fatr its undercrowid struclo, ot a tine when \ 111 od moa
T£A-<Ju^y I
u- i • 4- ^productlon of airareft and w© a por. s ul peafc/Vv^«0
Cc*iv ^ it^cLo^ł^-wv^«l GUyyy^J CA/v\ (Uru^,' JjLhjx&tc
l-olnnd needo these weepene foar ita* finał otrucelc egalnet the *
Copnonc. : oroovar, sho Juetly feere thot,whllc ehe my be
provcnto<5 by looh of ogndgent to rige nt the epppintoO hoqy fully
Way^ cr-yu
emed P.f/sinat tho oannon foe, end to flniah thc fl£ht sho etnptofr S^wc-C ^ HM i ohe «£££ be aaousod of' not war.tine to fieht to the end.
-.v.iV-ei nr tenci
•f t imfl bnfr
egulpncnt for
•upply of arny hoa bcon virtuaily stopped