Dialogue 1

iIct mc hast a look at... - picił ;‘f p<nwołi,iespojrzę na...

:' j improscd - pod wraittisem I ! rubbcT glorcs - 5 omowe tff rękawiczki j;; rusli - pośpiech |j łoplungc-zanurzyć f'i scent - rapach li rough stuff - coś szorstkiego W?. mlraclc - cud

Martyna, tbt mnhunst (M) and a cTunt (Q

M: So... herc you are agam. Let mc havc a look at your hands.

G You won't be impressed. I must admlt I’ve negłected them a bit.

M: True! l’m not. You haven*t used rubber gloves in die kitchen aj I asked you last dme you were herc.

G Not tcaily. Not that I don’t havc them. It’s just this rush.

M: VCfcTI try to make your hands look and fed better, but you could also do something for them.

G I know I inusc I do feel embartassed by dieir appcarance somedmes M: Weil, havc a look... 1 think youll likc this shape. And now plungc your hands into this bowl Isn't the water too hot for you?

G Na Irt just finc. And what is this ruce scent?

M: l'vc added a bit of scented oil to the water to make your hands softer. C: Thart great! 1 hope it will make them softer. Thcy havt bccome sort of hard and tough recendy.

M; Tliatls beeause you haven't done anything for them.

G Yes. l‘ve almost completely forgotten that I should at least usc some moisturising cream on them daily.

M: W now treat your hands with an esfoliating eteam to get rid of at least some of this rough stuff.

G Can you, really?

M: Don't eapect a trurade, but your hands will cettainly look and feel ' better after IVe applied some nounshing cream to them after ex-fobadon.

G 1 ptomise to take better care of my hands. Any cosmctics you could recommcnd to me?

Task 1


Talk about Martyna’s client.

J    •

Task 2


Talk about the teasons why womcn’s hands do not always look the way thcy could and should look.

j t. ; ... - -.--j

Task 3

Act out the dialogue.

Dialogue 2

A ptdiatiisl (?) and o duat (Q

P: Lec me firn have a look at your feet and deóde how we shall pro-cced today.

O Thcy don't look bad, do thcy? But l‘ve dccidcd to give them a spe-cial treat reguJarly. So herc I am.

P: Fint, I'tn going to work on your toe nails. TheySrc grown a bit too long and need some reshaping Shall we paint them as usual?

C: Yes, płcase. It may sound funny, but I feel “finished” and completc only whcn my toe nails are painted, cven in winter.

P: You’re not isolatcd in having such feelings. I’ve alrcady heard it from other dients.

C: Is it truć that decp red narl polish is now in fashion?

P: Yes. Dark nail poluh for the toe nails and light for the fingernails.

C: You may wonder why.

P: You don’t question fashion. You just follow it.

O How do you find my heels?

P: There’s still some homy slun layer to be removed, but not as bad as last dmc.

O I did follow your advke about gmng my feet an oily bath every sccond day and massaging in some feet balm.

P: And the effect is ołwious. Now, put your feet into this basin. 111 be with you in five minutes. Shall I get you something to rcad?

O No, dianks. I*ve got something to page in the meantime. Will my feet get that wonderful massage you gave them last time?

Pt Yes, of coursc. I’m going to massage your feet with the same aro-raatherapy oil I used last time.

C I'vt bcen looking forward to it. It madę my feet as light as a feadtez.

Talk about the pedicurisrt client.

Task 2

•    ’ . V; • ^    '

Act out the dialogue.    .

•    •    •    ' A*    j*! ••*.» (i

Task 3

•    •• •    ,    • J. «. •;    —»* *•    . 1 «*•    ,i

Talk about currcnt trends in foot care, nail polish colours, nail shapes.

to grow (grci* grown) -rosnąć

to need dolng *tl» - wymagać zrobienia czegoś Shall we/I do ith? - hc Czy coś zrobimy?

to sound funny - brzmieć


decp - głęboki

to be In fashion-być

w modzie

daric - ciemny

to quc*tion - kwestionować

to follow *th- iść w ślad za

czymś, dostosowywać sśę do


to page - przerzucić, przejrzeć

in the meantime - w międzyczasie

M light as a feather - lekki jak piórko


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