Yes! Hc's only 14 ycars old. You flnt - chestcd, rouiu) shonldcrcd guys look at this i i you will. Lct hi:, picturr “shame" you into «iuick acnonl I don't care who you arc or hnw old you nrc. I'11 put a chcst om you that will bc at least 40 inches. Gct busy NOW. You sec what this youngster has donc undcr compe* tent guidancc. now Ict mc help you/ (iet started AT ONCE!
"Gec what etiortnou* chc*t develop-ment and rnaguilicent lung ca-parlty!" That’* the firm thiug you think of when looking at thi* photo graph. And »t’* a *urc «ign of tre-mcmlimi vit.i lity. I.onk, too. at th«»e thoulder muwlo and that powrrful artn! Mr. Anthony i* a profraionut violiiu*t. You don’t h»ve tu be a hłarkunith to acquire huge mińcie*. You grt Vtn ca»ily b> following my aimple iuuructiom. A»k any other phyatcal inMructur to produce genuinc photos of btnuelf like thn. No one ran! That’* proof rny System devrlnp> pupil* morę perfect łhnn other phy»ical dirteton. When I tell you pupUs of minę arc raore mutcuijr tbun tumr of my ooropefitor*, I do v> with thr aMturance that I am tclling you the •ctuil truth. giving you the real fart*, hackrd up with phutograph". •o that anyunr can compare thetn to their owo tatisfnction. There-fore grt yoor training frotn the World’* Mott PerfcC* Man—who AfUtiofit pupili nerr ptrftri othrr tnt/ruilnri ar..