dcmotutration - poktt mc introducc myself P01**!. te 14 priedjtwię . *0 usc - Mywać, .stosować »0btinlerwttd instli
- interesować si{ a fmś dma»dlnRy wymagają; to try-starać się cerUinly -t pewńofcią by tire way-i propos.
<my tnonth -to miesiąc 'i 5 almost-prawic / T..i
At a dtmntlrotm orgtnisM by a mwtttu cwpaty - a Polub banty tbtraput (A) W aa Itatian miHHtit msnltaat (Q
A: Excuse mc, arc you Italian?
C: Yes, I ani. My namc*s Oaudia Bozzi. I woric as a cosmctic consultant for Fcndirdli Gismcdcs Compny.
A: Lct mc introducc mysclf. Pm Sandra Nowak. I am a bcauty thcr-apist from Warsaw.
O Arc you a cosmctic consultant for Fendirelli, too?
A: No, I’m not. I havc a bcauty salon in Warsaw.
G Do you usc our cosmcdcs in your bcauty salon?
A: Ycs, we do That’s why I am intcrcstcd in your ncw linc of cosmctics. G Clknts arc vcry dcmanduig thcsc days.
A: Ycs, they arc. That’s why wc try to kccp up to datc and offer thcm ncw trcatincnts and ncw cosmctics.
G My compny tries to help you.
A: Yes. You ccrtainly da By the way, is this your first visit to Warsaw? G No, it isn’t. I comc to Warsaw every month.
A: And how do you Uke Warsaw?
G Vcry much, indccd. I fccl almost at homc herc.
A: 1’mgladyouda
Ajwrmhstfrom tbe "Pith)Ou magryi/M (J) iatmmn Monika Suhnak, a banty
tbtrajait (M)
J: Arc you a profcssionaJ bcauty therapist, Mrs Stelmak?
M: Yes, I am. I havc a diploma in cosmctology and a lot of cerdficates from different courses J: What about eipetience?
M: Expcricncc is as important as formal cducadon. I havc ten ycars of cxpenencc in the job. •
J: Arcn’t you bored with id1
M: Oh, no! There arc a lot of noveldes I mcan ncw cosmctics and ncw treatments.
J: Your bcauty salon cnjoys a vcry good repuudon among dients.
M: Wc try to offer our dients what they need, high-quality bcauty treat-ment and rclaxadon.
J: Is it true that you cmploy a largc Staff?
M: Yes. Wc cmploy not only bcauty thcrapists but also massagc thcr-apists, chiropodists, hairdresscrs, dcrmatologists J: It sounds very iinptessive.
M; Weil... Out reputatłon and out succcss depend on it. Dut, fitst of all, wc do our best to sadsfy our dients J: Thank you for your intervicw, Monika. And, good ludc!
Say all you know about the Italian from Dialogue 1.
Say all you know about d>c bcauty therapist from Dialogue 2.
Learn to act out both dialogucs