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Text 2:

Beauty Therapy as a Profession



health - zdrowie jji to usc - używać, stosować ' grooming procedurę . -zabiegpielęgnacyjny 1 i upięksrający tbenipeutic procedurę -zabieg kem kzy ekctrolyzU - elektroliza mastage thetapy - nmń lyraphatic dnuruge - drenaż pl łim&tyany

face lifting - lifting twarzy non surgical - nteopcracflny objectivc - cd appcarance - wygląd skin care - pielęgnacja skóry fint of all - pnede wtzystkim howevcr - niemniej jednak comptcłven»lve - obszerny, calofciowy

Jknowlcdgc - wiedza liunun body - ciało erkrwirk."!


atutomy - anatomia physiology - fizjologia ; bacteriology - bakteriologia cosmetic cbemlitry - chemia kosmetyczna

Beauty therapists. are highly skillcd beauty and health. Dtofesjjonak Tbcy use gtoóming procedures such as make-up, waxihg,'cosmetic tattoo as well as thcrapcutic procedures such as ekctrolysis, massage therapy, lymphatk diainagc or non-sutgic51'face lifting Their objective is to impiovc the djent’s appearance. Beauty theiapists must kcep up to datę with.the latest novcltics in skiń care. Firn of all, however, they must havc comprchensńe knowledge of the human body, its anatomy and physiology, bąctenology, cosmetic chemistry apd dermatology, iq pjracular skin disotders and defeets, as wdl as nutrition. They art taught and tnuned to .pyaliKitc the condition. of the dientls otganism ftpm. a holisóc point of view. A holisdc apptoach 'is ęrucialto the jiroper choice of treatment. It is ajjtetetjuiąite to the double cffect which the beauty thęrnpist wants to aćhieve, namely improvement in appearance and well-bdng of the dient

Beauty therapists work not only in beauty salons and health dinics. Hospitals employ them to help in the treatment of scats, birchmarks as well as in post-pJastic surgery treatment. You can find them in die make-up departmeńts of film studio* and theatres, on dic Staff of beauty and fashion journals for men and women. They can work as lecturets and in-structors at a varięty of cosmetic schools, courses, demonsuauons. They can follow a hrge number of carcer options. They can work as beauty consultants, make-up artists, saks representanyes, manicurists and pedi-cunsts, ekctrologists. Their plaęcs of work can range from a beauty salon through a hotel, a departmćnt storę, a hospital, a health farm or a kiśure centrc to a cosmetic company. They can »lso be sclf-employed, mobile therapists. What a wide choice! Wliat wonderful prospeets.1

Beauty therapists can specialise as beauty consuitants. A beauty coo-sultant, also rełcrred uf as a cosmetic consylunt, is a tiained senior sales assistant who promotes one or morę brands of cosmctję producra in department Stores and pharmaaes. Beauty consuitants provide advice on the choice, purchase and application of cosmcocs. As a ruk, this job requires additional training in selling tcchnitjues as well as an outgoing pcrsonality and communicatrvc skilk A beauty therapist is concemcd with faczal and body treatments, waxing, manicure, pedicure, eyelash and brow tindng and make-up application. There are three groups of beauty therapists;

1)    salon ot spa beauty therapists who are conccrned with regular skin care, induding its revitalisation, rcjuvcnation and rełaaation

2)    mcdical beauty therapists who cooperate with medical staff and focus on the pre-and post-operatnr are of the pabent. They dcal with skin probierni such as acne, post-acne scaring, Chemical pcelings

3)    dinical beauty therapists who work independendy within a dinical setting such as a skin care ciiruc or salon. They concentratc on dinical aspeets of the skin and are responsible for spa senrices.

Beauty therapists should be impeccably groomed, pleasant and tact-ful at all dmes. They should have genuine interest in people, be sensitive to their responses and considerate of thrir needs. They must also have good manuał skills and perfect eye-hand coordmation.

Answer the following questions to Text 2.


1.    What is the International term for beauty salon employees?

2.    What procedures do beauty therapists use?

3.    What is the objcctivc of these procedures?

4.    What knowledge must beauty therapists have?

5.    What are beauty therapists taught and tiained to do?

6.    Why is a holistic approach so important?

7.    Wherc do beauty therapists work?

8.    Is it good to choose thjs professron as a futurę caieer?

9.    What do you know about beauty consuitants?

10.    What is a beauty therapist concemcd with?

11.    What are the three typcs of beauty therapists?

12.    What should beauty therapists be like?

derma tology - dermatologii in particular - w naegółnośd disorder - zabunenle, choroba

defret - defekt, wada nutrition - odżywianie to teach - uczyć (kogoś) to train - nkobć to craluate - oceniać, analizować condition - stan organism - organizm a holistic point of riew

-    hołistyany/całośdowy punkt widzenia

a holistic approach to sth

-    holistyczne podejście do aegoś

crodal torth - decydujący/ /przełomowy dla czegoś proper choice - właściwy wybór

prererjuiiite to sth - warunek wstępny do czegoś eśfccl - efekt double - podwójny (o achłcYe an clTcct

-    osqgnęć efekt namely - mianowicie improvement in stli

-    ulcpszenic/poprawicnie i czegoś

wcll-being - dobre samopoczucie health dinic - klinika | zdrowia

hcupital - szpital to help - pomagać scar - blizna birthmnrk - znamię pharmacy - apteka to proridc adricc on stli

-    udzielić rady odnośnie czegoś

puichose - zakup application - zastosowanie as a rule- x reguły, zasadniczo to re<|uire - wymagać additional - dodatkowy


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