s to be provklcd with sth
i • y ł r ty wyposażonym w co i 1‘ . viriabk specd handsct | J. - rączka/uchwyt z* zm*nną
*• " prędkością
to kivc at oik's diisposal ęj£ł - mieć do dyspozycji - :r. ; ,* J. t'!' to proroote oiyjcnation }jj. * - pobudzać dotknunk
> h decongestion of po«*s
tl, [ - odblokowywanie porów i . to Apprcciate - doceniać
proved wUdon* -
dowiedziona mądrość •
. rcmedy - łfodek leczniczy
:tf; «mev
jj; • to ode
odopt nordties- M
Jfj. jt stosować nowe pomysły !
,;l j; benefiu resuiting (rwn sth
- korzyści wynikające -i
z czegoś • /:- i to comprlsc - obejmować high frcąucticy - wysoka częstotliwość |
mngnlfying - powiększający !
satisfectory • zadowalający durable - trwały ' *
manufacturer - producent brand-marka trade mark - znak'handlowy stand - stoisko todrawattentiontosth -. -pr^gn*: uwagę ku"
| software - program l , : '•*.
komputerowy 'Ą t- ’ . {
cuun and massages the skin. Sandra aJso lwa at her disposal a frcąuency unit, a device which stimulates ehe skin, promotes skin oxygcnaoon and dccongcstion of pora.
WhiJc npprcciating the proved wisdom of tradidonal remedies and pracdces, Sandra is interested in and rcady to adopt novddcs, also high-tech equipment based tratments, having in mind the benefits resuiting for her dients. During her tnps abroad and visits to beauty fairs she always looks for new ptoducts and ncw devkes. Last month she brought' from Italy a multi-function unit, one of the most advanccd skin carc systems. It compriscs a facial steamer, a peeler, a vacuum and spray dcvicc, a gahanic uluasound current, a woods lamp, a high ftcqucncy lamp and a magnifying lamp.
It is the choice of the most suitable treatment that guarantees satis-factory and dutabic effects for the dient and this is the aim of a beauty and welincss profcssional operator such as Sandra. If tcchnogically ad-vanccd acsthcdc cquipmcnt and dcviccs can rally help her dients, Sandra is going to usc them.
There arc a number of manufacturcrs who spccialise in body treatment equipment and dcvices for cosmctic and hcalth-rdated puiposcs whose trade nurks are wcll known in the world of profcssional aesthet-ics such as BIOLLI. Sandra always visits their stands at beauty fairs. Whcn she was at a beauty fair reccntly, her attenoon was drawn to a multi-diagnostic dcv;cc ctjuippcd with a Windows based, mulu-laiiguage software. AU measuretnent tesults, product iccommcndadons and othet Information regardmg the dient's individual condidon can be pnnted out for the dient The sofware offers a choice of diffetent languages, induding English, Italian, German and French.
1. Why do Sandra and her stafF make usc of a lot of dcviccs and ecjuipment?
2. Why arc analyses and dieck-ups of the skin condiuon so importom in the beauty therapBt’s work?
3. How can high-tcch devices help beauty therapists?
4. Whcn does Sandta usc a skin scanner?
5. What advantagcs does it offer?
6. What dcvicc does Sandr* usc in roudne fndals and why?
7. How does an ozone setting woik?
8. What does a rotaty brush do? What does it consist of?
9. What is tlić funcuon of a frecjuency unit?
10. What is Sandra’8 attitudc to noveldes, including high-tcch cquip-ment based treatmcnts?
11. What dcvice did she bdng from her last month visit to Itały?
12. What do sausfactory and dutable effects of cosmcdc tieatment dc-|>end on?
13. Do inanufacturers specialise in body treaiment equipment and dc-viccs for cosmcdc and hcalth-rclatcd purposcs?
14. What does Sandra always do whcn she visits a beauty fair?
15. Whose stand did she visit whcn she was at a beauty fair reccndy?
16. What was her attenuon drawn to at their stand?
Turn the following scntcnccs into qucstions. Practisc asking them.
1. 1 have had a skin analysis widi a skin scanncr.
Haveyouever ..................................
2. hwas 2yearsago.
Whcn ...........................................
3. No. I do not remeinber what it showed.
4. 1 was then treated with a devicc called a mulu-funcdon unit
5. The trcacment took about 2 hours.
6. Ycs. I was sadsfied with the rcsults of the treatment
7. The beauty thenpist told me to usc a moistunsing cieam madę by Fendirclli.
What cieam ...................................................
8. Ycs. The effects werc qujtc sausfactory and durable.
9. My skin fdt less strained and icchy. How..................................