safcty - bezpieczeństwo effcctiTcncis - skuteczno**! ofyour make-waszej produkcji

distendcd capillarics ;

- rozszerzone naczynia



to be pissed through - być

przepuszczanym przez

finc tippcd probe - sonda

o imleAldej końcówce

pi infuł - bolesny

anesthetk cream - krem


just in case - iu wszelki


to dcscribe - opisywać tolcrable - znośny coswcnicnt - dogodny, pasujmy

Dialogue 1

Sandro (S) and o distnimtor of atstbttu tqtupfutNt and dauu(D)

S: I‘vc heard that you ofler new equipmcnt for electiocoagulation. >> I might bc interes ted in.

D: We do offer an ultra modern coaguhtion device and our vcry tradc mark guarantees high quality, safety and effeemmess, doesn’t i t?

S; It certamly does. l*ve already goi a fcw dev,ces of your make and I’m highly sadsfied with them. What can you tell me about the procedurę?

D: As you know, distendcd cipillaries art typically supcrficial and can be treated with a sterik, disposable probe. We havc improved on .;,r the procedurę to make it evcn safer and morę effectree.

S: How is that3 How does the dcvice work?

D: A low-level high-frequcncy and galvaruc current is passed through a finc-upped, sterile probe. The blood in the vascular blemish bcing treated is coagulated and stops fiowmg

S: Howlongisthetreatment?

D: It depends on the number of capillanes bcing treated but usually just a far minutes. With the proper post-treatment care, the treated vesscl is absorbed. Most condibons can bc treated in one br two


S: Isitpainful?

D: Not much, but we recommend that an anesthetic cream bc apptied to the atea a fav minutes before the procedurę just in case. It will minimóe the discomforL Anyway, most clicnts dcsaibc the procedurę as quite toleniblc.

S: 1 think l’d like to sec the device in operation. Can you arrange ic?

D: Yes, of course. Wbuld next Tuesday motning bc coovnucnt for you?

S: Yes, I think so, but kt me check it in my diary.

Task 1

Presem the Information on the new equipment for ekctrocoagulaóon ;.j obtained in the conveisation with the distnbutor.

Task 2

Act out the convereation.


łV _


Task 3

Havc a similar conversation about somc otlicr eąuipmcnt or device.

Dialogue 2

Sandra (S) and a dutńbntor (D)

S: I've rcad )>our advertisement for the Silver Gloves Treatment in the latest issue of the “Kosmetyka i kosmetologia". l*d like to hear morę about it.

D: Sihrcr gloves are special silver-btcndcd gioves through which a mini-mai eJcctnc current flows. A bcauty therapist puts them on and massagw the skin using gentle motions and prcsstng the acupunc-ture points in tlie atea of the jaw, the cheeks, the lip corncrs as well as atound the eyes and on the forehead.

S: lsn’t the electiical current dangerous for the face and the head?

D: No, absolutely noc The glovcs havc been tested and approved by the health and sani tary authorities. Tliey producc Iow micro-cur-rent similar to the one produced by the human body.

S: And what are the benefits of the treatment for the face?

D; It has a lifting effect. It tewalises skin cdls, faalitates blood circu-laoon and unproves muscle strength. It reduces wrinkles and skin sagging, lifts flabby skin and gives a radiant głów to the face.

S: It does sound promising

D; And it is actually effcctive. You can havt my word for it

S: Is it pleasant to the Client?

D: I should thmk sa Gloved hands are passed lightly over the face producing a feeling of miJdły stimulating touch.

S: How long does one session last?

D: On the average, 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the condińon of the dicnt's skin.

S: Should the treatment be repeated? And if so, how many times and at what intervals?

D: Agam it depends on the individual dienri nceds. Usually, we tec-otnmend five 10-minute sessions at one-week intcrvals-

S: Could I have an information leaflet?

D: Yes, of coursc. Herc it is. It also cootains detailed information on customised treatments.

S: Thank you fot the ume bcing, WeTl be in touch.

adyertisement - reklama silm glovcs - srebrne ręka wielki

tlie latest issue - najnowsze wydanie

silrcrblended - zawierający srebro

to flow - przepływać to put on - zakładać jaw - szczęka

dangerous - niebezpieczny to approvc - zatwierdzić authorities - władze similar to sih - podobny do czegoś

to facilitatc - ułatwiać musde strength - sih mięśni skin sagging - opadanie skóry

on the arerage - przeciętnie repeated - powtarzany leaflet - ulotka customised treatments - zabiegi dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb for Ihe time bcing - tu razie to be in touch-być w kontakcie


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