Answer the following ąuestions toText 2.

1.    Why is everything in the Tip-Top Beauty Studio specially designed for beauty salom and highly functional?

2.    What beauty salon furniture ts there in the Studio?

3.    What is there in the rooms at the back of the Studio?

4.    What ts the equipment used for?

5.    What docs the equipment includc?

6.    What can be done thanks to this equipment?

7.    What u there in the storę room?

8.    Why ate the containcrs marked?

9.    What do the containcrs contain?

10.    Why is there a fndge in the storę room?

11.    Wbo is respomiblc for the storę room and its supplics?



Exercise 1

Siudy the words and uae them to complete the scntcnces.

dressing gown • jars with creaim and ointments • storę room • rubber glovcs • rubber bowl • cotton swab* • wrap sheets • towcls • bags with herbs • bottle of disinfectant • boa of takum powder

1.    We are short of..................Can you fetch some from the storę


2.    I need a..................and a few..................Can you get

them fot me?

3.    Canyoupreparetwowatm..................andtwo..................

and brrng them to Room 5?

4.    I need a..................Where can I find it?

5.    Can you tell me where I can find ................................. ?

6.    Pd like to know where you keep ................................. ?

7.    Where can 1 find .............................i..................... ?

8.    Can you get me a .................................................. ?

? Can you show me the way?

9.    Where is the

Exercise 2


First join Column A and Column B. Ncxt complctc the scntences with the proper form of the verbs in brackets.

A.    B

to warm up    waz

to stenlóe    masks

to preparc    towcls

to heat    materials

to dry    instrument*

to stott    wrap sheets

to use    a wax heater

1.    Wax is beated to the temperaturę of......°C (to bat)

2.    Masks..................by beauty therapists. (to propan)

3.    Towels..................in a special room. (to dry)

4.    Materials..................in a fridge at a proper temperaturę.

(to storo)

5.    Instruments..................in the ptcparauon room at the back of

the studio (to sttń&u)

6.    Wrap sheet..................before use. (to wam up)

7.    A wax heater.................. to heat wax. (to ust)

Exercise 3

4.    ,    *,*

. V’ • .    —.*•    •*.    «

Transform the scntences forrned abovc in the following way.

1.    Wax musi be beated to the temperaturę of......°C

2.    ...........................................................

3 .............................................................

4 .....................:.......................................

5 .............................................................

6 ...........................................................


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