
toIeareM. MO-'*

<V. zostawić fvv-    •


|S; ,orefcnh.dl.»ttolh« righl room - berowi*:

klientkę do wbkiwcgo

pokoju łhead of time - przed ;•{    mtern, z wyprzedzeniem

to ihow (ihowtd. (bom)

ir 'f***    1

i * to ihow ib to.► pcwadiK

:Ti kogołdo...    •

.yjUingloungc-poaeWnw , to reccire -Iw pnyj*<! tomakedicnuwclcorac

-    prawić. aby klwnd czub się

mile widziani    < '•.

to weir (worc, worn) -.owić (np. ubranie) : : to cali to do sth/about sth

-    dzwoni aby zrobić col*

I *««"*«**

to scc »b (ww, wen) - tu to checkif... - sprawdzić.



j • • •    .

i( yacaney - tu: wolny termin towonder-zastanawiać »ę

to wonder - zastanawiać się toaccept the proposal

ptry)^ propozycję to be intereitcd in sth - byc zainteresowanym czymł ~;. ■-rccommcnded bysb - polecony pezezkogćd to take sth out of ttb lf;i- - wyjmować coi z czegoł toraakeachoicc-dokonywać wyboru to pay (piid. paid) - pboć to leane (left, left) - tw wydiodzić

. , uusual-jakzwykk

•r,v ,    ■■    '.•••    .

a massagc. (gvt)

Exercise 2

Complctc the dialogues with the proper Preseul CohIImiohs Tense form of the verbs in brackcts. Practisc the dialoguc.


A: Good morrnng. Can I speak to Vicky?

B: I’m afraid not She..................a facial. (Jo)

CouM you cali fater in, say, half an hour.

A: Excuse me, where can I find Jack?

B: Hc^ in Massagc Room 3. He..........

You can’t disnub him now I’m afraid.


A: Can you check if I can take another appointment on Monday after-noon?

B: Ycs,of course.Justgivemeaminute.Thcielephone..................

(ring) I must answer it


A: Can 1 have your name, please?

B: Ob Bem.

A: Hołd on a minutę! I..................it down (wntt).

B: ..................M>

A: Let me tepeat it Ob Bem.

B: Yes. Thart right.


A: I..................fot Jack, the massagc therapist Where can I find

him? (bok)

B: Over there. He..................on the phone. (talk)

A; So... IU wait.



A: Are you busy this afternoon?

B: I'm afraid sa I..................on the afternoon shift today. (work)

A: And what about tomorrow afternoon? 4 B: Tomorrow afternoon is fine. Pm free.


A: I’d like to change my tomoitow appointment with Jack.

B: I sec. Do you want to make another appointment?

A: Yes. Can łte sec me on Monday ncxt weck?

B: Just a moment I .................. it in his appointment book.


8.    ł

A: Vicky, can you co mc o*er herc, please.

A client..................about a (acial. (cali)

B: OK. I..................Ask her to hołd on. (mat)


Is Vicky free at the moment?

Yes, she is. She..................(vori)

Can I speak to her?

Yes, of course. I..................(fuit tbnąb)






A: Your client. Mis Kantor...................(cali)

B: Is she? What does she want5

A: She..................her appointment on Thursday. (canaJ)

B: Sou. I have a vacancy tomorrow.


Task 1

Imagine that you are Abcc Speak about your job at the Ttp-Top Beauty Studio. Begin with: “I work as a receptkmist..."

Task 2

Imagine that you are a journalist for a beauty joumal. You are inter-viewing a receptionist at a beauty studio. First, prcparc questions. Then, make the intennew.

Task 3

Imagine you work as a beauty therapist. Your friend is calling you. Tell her how busy you are and what is going on in the salon.


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