12. Do you consider your skin to be:
dry □ oily O combinarion □
13. Is your skin:
sensitire D veryscnsidve O notscnsibre a
14. What is your natuial comp!cxion:
veryfair O light □ lightolhre o
medium O daikbrown O
15. Whidi is your problem:
acnc breakouts O tosccea □ clogged pores □
blackhcads D smali whiteheads O
large whitchcads □ cysts O
snuli bumps under skin O uneven skin tonę □
16. Whcrc aie your bteakouts locatcd?
face □ chest O back □ upperarms □
17. Do you scar easly?
18. Do you have finc red veins (upititnuffi
19. Do you menstruatc? How frequently?
monthly O evcry6wceks O irreguiarly □
20. What products do you usuafly use?
eleanser □ moisturizer D toner a
sunscreen a scrubs □ self tanner a masks O
21. Do you take any andoxidant supplements?
22. What dcansers do you use?
soap □ water O alcohol-based deansa □ akohol-frcc deanset n deansingmilk G
1. What do you know about Sandra? Why is she popular with her clicnts?
2 What docs she look Like? What docs she wcar?
3. Why are her hands ahwrys soft and mcc to‘ touch?
4. What must she bc like in her dcalings with clients?
5. What must she do when she talks to dients?
6. Why isn't it casy to ask dients quabons?
7. What should she acate and why?
8. What impicsjion should dients havc? •
9. What does she try to find out when asking dients quations?
10. Why does the Tip-Top Bcauty Studio empłoy a dermatologist?
11. What does the dermatologist do when a beauty therapist refers a client to him?
12 How long has Sandra been a beauty therapist?
13. What about ha capcricnce?
14. What has she been doing all the dme to be bettet at her job?
15. How long has she been the owner of the Tip-Top Beauty Studio?
16. What has she donc to make it a teally good bcauty salon?
17. Who has she established contacts with?
18. What do you know about the Studio’s cooperation with cosmeues companics?
19. Why can the Tip-Top Beauty Studio sell some cosmedes at com-pebdre priccs?
20. What has the Studio built its reputaóon on?
21. Why is the Tip-Top Beauty Studio popular with dients?
22 What informadon can a beauty therapist get from the quesdon-naire?
Say what you bace Jasi donc. Use the vetbs in brackcts in the Prezent Perfect Simple Teuse form.
1. I buce laikat to a client. (talk)
2. 1..................ha a few qucsdons. (aik)
3. I..................all the necessary informauon. (tSat)
4. I..................carcfully at ha skin. (bok.)
5. I..................it with grat carc. (erami*)'
6. I..................the bat tratmenc. (cboost - tbost - cbosu)