Exercise 5
Say how long you bace betu doittg somcthing. Usc thc Presem Perfect Conlittuous Tense form.
I. I bace betu ttslHg (Ku facial crcun foi a month osa/.
Z 1..................skin probłeins for * fcw wecks now (ban)
3. I..................this dearocr for a fcw days now. (ust)
4. I..................to have morc beauty skep. (by)
5. I..................my face with a speaal soap. (mb) •
6. I..................comracepóvcs. (takt)
Now say how long yout dient bas beat doittg somcthing. Usc thc piompts from thc first part of thc cxcrcisc.
I. My Client bas been usług this facial cream foi a month now.
Z Shc ................................................................
3. Shc ....................................................................
4. Shc ...........................'.........................................
Ask your Client how long shc bas been doittg somcthing. Usc thc Present Per/ccl Conlimions Tense.
1. How kmgfau* 2. How long..... |
)\)u betu wasbing your face with tap wata? | |
3...........r...... |
. VOU____ | |
4.................. |
/v . YOU ...• | |
5.................. |
. you ... | |
(durne) | ||
6.................. |
. you .... |
...............this anti-cellulitc gel? (appff) |
7.................. |
.you.... |
...............these skin problcms? (ban) |
Compłcie thc tcxt bclow putdng tlić vcrbs in brackcts łn thc Preseiti Pcrfcci Simple Tense form.
Ewa u a student of cosmctology. Shc has bccn studying cosmctology
fot a fcw months now. She..................a k>c of lectures and dasses.
(attud) She..................a fcw practical tramings in beauty salons.
(ban) She..................how to do a lot of ptocedures. (han) Shc
..................a lot of ireatment*. (Smtd>) She..................about
thc use of a lot of cosmetks. (btar- bcerd-beardj
Now say thc same about yourself. Add somcthing of your own if you likc.
I am a student of cosmctology. I have been studying ............
Complctc thc tcxt below putting thc vcrbs in brackcts in thc Prtsenl Pcrfcci SimplcTcnsc or Prcscul Pcrfcci Conlimions Tcnsc form.
Laura is a beauty thetapist. She..................as a beauty dicrapist
for scven ycats now. (work) She.................. hundreds of dients.
(ruda) Shc.................. hundreds of facials. (io - did - donc) Shc
..................ncw methods of treatnłent (han) and..................
her skills all thc tirne. fmprmJShc.................: a lot of presentations
and senunats for beauty therapists. (atltnd) She..................a lot of
courses. (cowpktt) She..................a lot of diplomas. (rtcaw)