Dcscńbc differcnt typcs of skin.
Espfciin to a siudou-beauty d*rapist why it is important for hcr to havc a good bok at thc dienrt skin.
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Propcr skin aut, espeaally of thc face and the nedt, is what evcry woman feels a need for when she looks at herself in thc mirror in a spare moment. \Vhile there is a bt you can do to take care of jpour skin on your own at home on a (łady basts, a professional facia] is rccom-mended at reguł ar mtcrvals.
The Tip-Top Beauty Studio performs a vadety of facials. A basie faciał begins with a skin analysis and consultauon. lt is a must for a beauty therapist in parucular when she has a new client but not only. It telis ber all she needs to know to make thc right choice of cosmctics and procedurę*. For esatnple, it allows her to detcrminc if thc skin is oily, dry or combtnation, if it is wnnkJcd or discobuted, if thete are black-heads or whiteheads to be rcmovtd and the like. After she has cwnuned the skin carefulJy, the beauty therapist cleanses the skin with a dcanscr suitable for thc clientk skin and applies a tonie to reftesh it. Then the skin is softened by steaming or in another way. Ncxt she removes dead skin cclls. This procedurę is called cxfoliation. To ex folia te the skin the beauty therapist can use a ready-to-use or self-prepared pceling or scrub. The choice of the produet depends on the customerk skin. Eifoliarion should not hurt or irritate thc skin but only prcparc it for better pen-etration with other costncrics. Then she massages the cbent's face, ncck and shouldcrs to rekase tensbn and inerease the circulation.. Finally, she spreads a mask suited to thc individual skin type to the client's face, ncck and decolletc. The mask is left to dry for 10 — 15 minutes and is then rinsed off with thc help of hikewarm water and a piece of gauae or dodi. To complete the facial the beauty therapist applies a smali amount of facial crearn to the face. If the client wishes, she may powder the
ncck - sxy)a lo fed a need for slh
- odczuwać potrzebę czegoś minor - lustro
o spare moment - wolna chwila
on one1* own - samodzielnie on a dally basis * codziennie at nrgular intcmls -w regularnych odstępach czasu to petfonn a facial
- wykonpcoć zabieg tty*2C«nia twarzy
a most - konieczność to tell, (told, told) - tir mówić, Informować procedurę - procedura, postępowanie to aliow - pozwalać oily - tłusta dry - sucha
combinotioo - mieszana wnnkled - pomarszczona discoloured - odbarwtony, przebarwiony tarcfully - starannie to deansc - oczyszczać suitable for sth - odpowiedni dla czegoś
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