9. 1 can’t climinatc thc c..................in the corners of your eycs
complctety but we can conccal them so tłm no body will noticc
10. So you say you firet noticed this d..................after your return
front a summa holiday.
Make sute you know thcsc phrues. Usc them to complctc thc scntcnccs betów.
to cłcansc • to reftesh • to tonc • to csfobate the skin • to hurt • to irritatc • to pene uate____
1. Don't fotget .................. yout skin after getong back home
front work befote putting on somc cream.
2. You can usc this tonie to..................and..................your
skin. It won’t..................it bccausc it is designed for semitive
skin. r
3. Your skin nceds frcquent cxfoliation, You can usc this scrub to
..................your skin. It is perfeedy safe. Just follow thc tn-
suuciions but don‘t usc it more often than oncc a weck.
4. This dcanscr should not..................yout skin. It is a spccial
nnti-alietgic prc|>aration. You can..................your face with it
5. If you want this cream to..................thc skin, you must firn
[weparę it propaly.
to choosc • to appły • to sptead a mask • to usc a mask • to fcare • to avoid an area • to nnse off
Fint, IU..................a mask proper for yout face. IH..................
this mask to your face. 111..................it ovcr your face and ncek but
HI..................the eye area. 111..................a noutishing eteam
thac. 111..................thc mask on your facp fot 15 minutea Thcn
TU..................it off with lukewarm wata.
Find the English equivnicnts of thc cxprc$sions givcn bclow.
1. unuricić opaskę wokół głowy klienta
2. oczyścić twarz bezalkoholowym żcłcm
3. zmyć skórę tonikicm odpowiednim dla skóry
4. zrobić delikatny peeling
5. usunąć wągry
6. zrobić masaż twarzy, szyi i dekoltu specjalnym kremem
7. zastosować maseczkę odpowiednią dla typu skóry
8. zmyć maseczkę ciepłą wodą
9. zastosować małą ilość kremu do twarzy
10. upudrować środkową część twarzy
Now, using thc cxprcssion$, tell your young client:
a. what a facial luoks like
Bctore we begin a facial, 1 put..................and ....
b. what you will do
First,Iwill ................................................
Next, .......................................................
Thcn, ......................................................
After that .................................................