
B: By no mcans! Irt a safe and controłlcd skin abrasion. The procedurę utilises aluminium oxidc microctystaU. They arc propcllcd at high speed across tlie skin’s surface to abradc ihc tissue.

C And what docs it do?

B: The błood ftow to the surface of the skin is somulated, oxygcnation is mereased and ccii removal is enhanced.

C What results should I eitpect?

B: Your skin should look pink and have soft texture. Results arc usu-ally nodceable already after the fitst treatment.

C: Wauld you recommcnd it to mc?

B: Why not? You'rc so acuve, so short of timc and your skin docs need good carc.

C: Is microdeimabrasion very expcnsivc?

B: Rcłatively not. In addition, the cxpcnses are spread in timc.

Task 1

Inuginc you are the beauty therapist from Dialoguc 1. Talk about the

clicnt you had.

Task 2

Eaplain what microdcrmabrasion is.

Task 3

Act out the dialoguc.

Dialogue 2

strawbcr ry - truskawka stason - sezon

allcrgtc to stli - uczulony > na coś

tablespoon - łyżka Holowa almoRti (lour - mączka migdałowa •    .

Health food - zdrowa ' iynmośi shop - sklep

ingredient - składnik —:

A dituf (Q (wd a fanty thtrapist (B)


C ls therc anything 1 could do for my skin at home, between my visits herc?

B: It’s the stnwbcrry scason. You could gtvc your skin a stiawberry treatment.

C: I dcfinitcly could. I love strawberr.csf B: You are not allergic to them, 1 hope.

C 1 don't think so. I’vc new had any problcms aftcc caung thcm, even in large amounts.

B: A strawberry scrub, a clcanser and a mask Should be good for your ody skin. Do you know suawberries contain anti-aging AHAs and vitamin C?

C Really? Arc the scrub, the clcanser and mask very difficult to prc-Rare?

B; Not at alL You just necd 2 strawbemcs, 1 tablespoon of almond floui and 1 tablespoon of kaolin powder.

C Almond flour and kaolin powder? Whcre can 1 buy thcm?

B: In most hcalth food shops and at somc chemist’s shops, III give you the address of the ncarcst onc-

C And what shalł I do whcn 1 already have all the ingtedients?

B: Mash 2 strawbetties well into a bowl. Mix I tabkspoon of almond flout with half a tcaspoon of mashed strawberry to obtain a straw-bcrry scrub

C Shalł 1 just mnssagc it into my lace and thcn wash off with watm watcr?

B: Ycs, youuseitlikeanysctubjustdoitgently.

C: And thcn, what shalł I do?

B: Dry your face with a clean towcl and spread the strawberry mask.

C: How long shalł 1 lcave it thac?

B: For ten minutes. Tlien wash your face off with lots of water. And, finally, moisturise it with somc good tnotstunser.

Task 1

Talk about the strawberry mask, how you can piepare and use it.

Task 2

Talk about anotbet fruit ot vegctable mask you can prepare.

Task 3

Act out the dialoguc.

to mash - roztliobiuć nn miazgę

to n«L\ - zmieszać half-pól

teaspoon - łyżeczka do herbaty

to obtain - uzyskać gcntly - delikatnie to dry-osuszyć


• rai


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