B: By no mcans! Irt a safe and controłlcd skin abrasion. The procedurę utilises aluminium oxidc microctystaU. They arc propcllcd at high speed across tlie skin’s surface to abradc ihc tissue.
C And what docs it do?
B: The błood ftow to the surface of the skin is somulated, oxygcnation is mereased and ccii removal is enhanced.
C What results should I eitpect?
B: Your skin should look pink and have soft texture. Results arc usu-ally nodceable already after the fitst treatment.
C: Wauld you recommcnd it to mc?
B: Why not? You'rc so acuve, so short of timc and your skin docs need good carc.
C: Is microdeimabrasion very expcnsivc?
B: Rcłatively not. In addition, the cxpcnses are spread in timc.
Inuginc you are the beauty therapist from Dialoguc 1. Talk about the
clicnt you had.
Eaplain what microdcrmabrasion is.
Act out the dialoguc.
strawbcr ry - truskawka stason - sezon
allcrgtc to stli - uczulony > na coś
tablespoon - łyżka Holowa almoRti (lour - mączka migdałowa • .
Health food - zdrowa ' iynmośi shop - sklep
ingredient - składnik —:
A dituf (Q (wd a fanty thtrapist (B)
C ls therc anything 1 could do for my skin at home, between my visits herc?
B: It’s the stnwbcrry scason. You could gtvc your skin a stiawberry treatment.
C: I dcfinitcly could. I love strawberr.csf B: You are not allergic to them, 1 hope.
C 1 don't think so. I’vc new had any problcms aftcc caung thcm, even in large amounts.
B: A strawberry scrub, a clcanser and a mask Should be good for your ody skin. Do you know suawberries contain anti-aging AHAs and vitamin C?
C Really? Arc the scrub, the clcanser and mask very difficult to prc-Rare?
B; Not at alL You just necd 2 strawbemcs, 1 tablespoon of almond floui and 1 tablespoon of kaolin powder.
C Almond flour and kaolin powder? Whcre can 1 buy thcm?
B: In most hcalth food shops and at somc chemist’s shops, III give you the address of the ncarcst onc-
C And what shalł I do whcn 1 already have all the ingtedients?
B: Mash 2 strawbetties well into a bowl. Mix I tabkspoon of almond flout with half a tcaspoon of mashed strawberry to obtain a straw-bcrry scrub
C Shalł 1 just mnssagc it into my lace and thcn wash off with watm watcr?
B: Ycs, youuseitlikeanysctubjustdoitgently.
C: And thcn, what shalł I do?
B: Dry your face with a clean towcl and spread the strawberry mask.
C: How long shalł 1 lcave it thac?
B: For ten minutes. Tlien wash your face off with lots of water. And, finally, moisturise it with somc good tnotstunser.
Talk about the strawberry mask, how you can piepare and use it.
Talk about anotbet fruit ot vegctable mask you can prepare.
Act out the dialoguc.
to mash - roztliobiuć nn miazgę
to n«L\ - zmieszać half-pól
teaspoon - łyżeczka do herbaty
to obtain - uzyskać gcntly - delikatnie to dry-osuszyć
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