8 (727)

8 (727)

A SiartJ £>rt (Ute No. 30 Crochet Cotton and 2 Shuttles)


For Motif*: R 3 ds, 3 p sep by 3 ds. 3 ds. cl, (r 3 ds. j in last p of last r, 3 ds. 2 p sep by 3 ds. 3 ds. cl) twicc. r

3    ds, j in last p of last r. 3 ds. p, 3 ds. j in p of first r, 3 ds, cl. Tic and cut. Make 4 morc smali motifs. j at corncrs as in illustration.

Then, r 6 ds. j in center p of r of last row, 6 ds. cl. * eh 9 ds, p, 3 ds. r 3 ds. p. 3 ds, cl. eh 3 ds. p, 9 ds, r 6 ds. j in center p of ncxt r of last row, 6 ds. cl. Rcpcat froni • around. Tic and cut.

Make 3 morc motifs as one just madę. Join together by p of smali r of last row as in illustration to form a diamond.

lit row around:    R 3 ds. j in p of first smali r to left

on sidc wlicre 2 motifs wcrc j, 3 ds, cl. • r 3 ds, j in p of first sr of ncxt motif, 3 ds, cl. (eh 4 ds, 9 p sep by 2 ds,

4    ds. r 3 ds. j in p of next sr of same motif, 3 ds, cl. r 3 ds. j in same p with last r. 3 ds. cl) 3 times, eh 4 ds. 9 p sep by 2 ds. 4 ds. r 3 ds. j in p of ncxt sr. 3 ds. c'., r 3 ds. j in p of sr of ncxt motif, 3 ds. cl, (eh 4 ds. 9 p sep by 2 ds. 4 ds. r 3 ds, j in p of next sr, 3 ds, cl. r 3 ds. j in same p with last r, 3 ds, cl) twicc, eh 6 ds, 12 p sep by 2 ds.

6 ds, (r 3 ds. j in p of ncxt sr. 3 ds. cl. r 3 ds. j in same p with last r. 3 ds. cl, eh 4 ds. 9 p sep by 2 ds. 4 ds) twicc. r 3 ds. j in p of next sr, 3 ds, cl. Repeat from * around. Tic and cut.

2nd row: R 2 ds. 4 p. j in 2nd p to right of end eh of 12 p of last    row, 4    p, 2 ds, cl. (eh    6 ds,    3 p sep    by 2 ds.    6 ds.

r 2 ds. 4    p, sk 2    p. j in ncxt p.    4 p, 2 ds, cl)    3 times.    * eh

6 ds. 3 p    sep by    2 ds, 6 ds. r 2    ds, 4    p, sk 1    p of next eh,

j in next    p. 4 p,    2 ds, cl, (eh 6    ds, 3    p sep by 2 ds. 6    ds. r

2 ds, 4 p. sk 2 p of same eh. j in ncxt p. 4 p. 2 ds, cl) lwice. Rcpcat from * around, tie and cut.

3rd row: * R 5 ds, j in center p of eh of last row. 5 ds, cl, eh 6 ds. 3 p sep by 2 ds, 6 ds. repeat around from *, tie and cut.

4th row: • R 2 ds, 4 p. j in center p of eh of last row, 4 p. 2 ds, cl, eh 7 ds, 3 p sep by 2 ds. 7 ds. Rcpcat from • around. making 3 chs at cach end as follows: Ch 8 ds, 3 p sep by 2 ds, 8 ds. tie and cut.

5th row: * R 5 ds, j in center p of ch of last row, S ds. Continucd on Page 10


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