7 (815)

7 (815)

A Suntple S>pt (U*c No. 10 Crochct Cotton and 2 Shuttle*)

R 4 ds, p. 3 ds, p. 3 ds.    p, 4 ds, cl:    r 4    ds.    j to    last p of

lst r, 2 ds.    4 p sep by 2    ds, 4 ds. cl:    r 4    ds,    j to    last p of

2nd r, 3 ds. p. 3 ds, p. 4 ds, cl. Ch 8 ds, turn. r 4 ds. p. 3 ds. j to last p of last r of first eluster, 3 ds, p. 4 ds, cl.

* R 4 ds, j to last p of last r. 2 ds, 4 p sep by 2 ds, 4 ds, cl. r 4 ds. j to    last p of 2nd    r. 3 ds, p, 3    ds.    p. 4    ds. cl. Turn,

ch 7 ds, 3 p    sep by 2 ds. 7    ds. turn, r 4    ds,    p, 3    ds. j    to center

p of last r, 3 ds, p, 4 ds, cl. Rcpcat from * until desired length is reached, about 18 inches for place mat and 26 inches for run ner.

Ch 8 ds, r 4 ds, j to 2nd p of last r in last eluster, 3 ds. p, 3 ds, p. 4 ds. cl, r 4 ds. j to last p in first r, 2 ds. 4 p sep by 2 ds, 4 ds, cl.

R 4 ds, j to last p of 2nd r, 3 ds. p, 3 ds. p, 4 ds, cl, turn. Ch 8 ds, turn. r 4 ds. p. 3 ds, j to last p of 3rd r of last eluster. • Finish eluster with 2 r, turn, ch 7 ds, j to last p in ch as shown, 2 ds, j to 2nd p. 2 ds, j to 3rd p. 7 ds, turn, r 4 ds, p, 3 ds, j to 2nd p of last r in last eluster. Repcat from *.

To finish off j 2nd p of 3rd r of last eluster to lst p of lst eluster, turn. ch 8 ds. fasten ofT.

For a place mat. make 9 finished strips, j by the center p of last r as the work procecds. For the runner make 9 strips of 36 elusters cach.


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