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Text 2: Acne

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n    scbiccous glands - gruaoty .

•i •; łojowe

tobedistrłbuted byt ; i; rozrnfcsiaonyni

g|:K;i: ,"&e,r-s|*wink?

;• ^rKilp - owłosiona a^śd .» ulowy •


■..M dircct - bezpośredni •jl* . stlmuUlion pobudzenie


ducase - choroba human - aiowiek i t to occur - występować

i# .'s *• back -pfccy

*' chcti - klatki piersiowa    ,

shoulder - bark    .    : »

, to be charactcrised by sth * - chmJrtcryiowaćłięCtyinl . (non)łnflaromatory •;>]'•' -(nkjtapolny ‘    \    \

papule - grudki nodulc - guwk lesion - uniaru chorobowi corocdo (pl. comedones) • . -wągier .

to lead to iih - prowadzić do czegoś

•pustule- krosta stie - wielkość    'i

Scbaceous glands are distnbuted largely on the face and soip. They arc comrolkd by direct hormonaJ sdmulauon by androgens. The major disease of sebaceous glands in humans is acne v\ilgaris. It occurs main-ly on the face, the back, the chest and shoulders. It u charactensed by a varicty of noninfiammatory and inflaminatory papules and noduies (lesions). Tłtc noninfiammatory papules are callcd comedones. They may be either open (bbckheads) or doscd (whiteheads). Oosed comedones often lead to papules, pustules and iarge inflammatory noduies. Cysts and scars of different sizes may also occur. The acne scar is usu-ally a sharpły punchcd-out p;L On mcision, pustular and cystic lesions ptoduce purulenc exudatc

Acne vulgaris is a serious problem, cspeciaUy common duiing ado-lcsccnce. Acne therapy is complea and prolongcd. Moderatc to sevete acne vulgaris should be ueated by dcrmatologisis and cndocrinolo-gKts. The treatments used indudc topical agents, incaion and drainage of cystic lesions, ultraviolct therapy and occasionally annbiotics. The latter cause a reduction of free fatty acids on the skin. Bcnzoyl petoxide lotions and gcls are often used as antibactcnal agents. They arc very cf-fecbve and are widcly used.

Hormonal preparatioos have not been found very effecovc in controlling acne and they can bc given only to fcmales. Therc is no cvidence that any pardeular foods havc any cffect on the course or $evetity of acnc vu]gans.

Acne vulgans may first appear at any age bctwcen 8 and 20. It may last for scveral years and dicn subsides spontaneously. Although acnc is not a senous health thteat, sevete acne can lead to disfigunng and

pcrmancnt scarring, whkh can bc upsctting to peoplc who arc affected by the disorder.

Scvcrc acnc should bc treated by dermatołogists. The goals of treat-mcm arc to hcal ciisting lesions, stop ncw lesions ftom forming, pre-vcnt scaning and minimntc the psychological stress and embamssment accompanying the syndromc.

Doctois usualły prcscribc topical or systemie medkation. Thcrc arc sęvcral common over-thc-countcr (OTQ medianes which can bc ap-plicd dircctły to the acnc lesions (i.e. topkally) as well as presoipbon mcdicincs taken by mouth (systemie). Topical OTC mcdicauons arc availablc in forms such as gcł, lobon, crcam or soap. They should bc applied rcguhrly ovcr a longcr period of time to bccome effectivc. The choicc of the producc depends on the patienfs skin typc. Crcams and louons providc moisturc and arc better for peoplc with scn$ittve skin. Gds and Solutions are usually alcohol bascd and dry the skin so they are better for pabents with oily skin.

Cosmccology distinguishes mild acne duiactcnsed by the prcsencc of open and closed comedones, somcomcs accompanicd by a few su-perfiaal inflammatory lesions, modernę acnc, with numerous, largely supeificial inflammatory lesions, cvKlence of dccp-scatcd pustules and a tcndcncy towards scarring and scvcrc acnc, with maiicd noduies, cysts and scarring, often spreading also over the dicst, the back and down the arms. Tlicrc are also acnc comeiiortiat, an cady stage of acnc, charactci-iscd almost exclusivcly by doscd and open comedones locatcd on the face, acne coNgM>tittt, the most scverc form of acnc with giant comedones, abccsses and l>cavy scarring, acnc cosmetica, bcing a response to an exccssive usc of cosmcucs and acuefiilmłNansl a scvcre form of acnc with laige pus-fillcd pimplcs, ulccrative, crustcd lesions and evcn fcver affccting mainly małe adolcsccms

As a rulc, the role of a dcrmatologist and a bcauty therapist is to hdp an acnc padem ovcrcomc the physical and cmotional problcms and to prcvent permanem scaning If this has already happened, a bcauty therapist can hdp to conceal the skin dcfccts.

Rcad the following statements. Arc they truć (T) or falsc (F)? Comment and expand on them.

1.    Sebaccous glands are not subjcct to hormonal sumulation

2.    Acnc vulgaris affects only the arca of the face.

3.    Acnc lesions nre always inflammatory.

4.    Acnc affects only adolesccnt fcmalcs.

5.    Acnc is usually treated by bcauty therapists.

sharpły- ostro punched-out pit - wybite wgłębienie

on incision - przy nacięciu serious - poważny common - powszechny adolesccnet - okres dojrzewania c om picz - złożony prołonged - długi, przewlekły

moderate - umiarkowany topical agent - środek miejscowy

draiiuge - oduczanie the Ulter-te ostatnie to causc - powodować free fatty acids - wolne kwasy tłuszczowe agent - środek widcly used - powszechnie stosowany

the coursc oi sth - przebieg czegoś

to appear-pojawiać się lo last-trwać to subsidc-ustępować, znikać

llireat - zagrożenie, groźba diifiguring - zniekształcenie permnnent scarring - stale blizny

upsctting - niepokojący, denerwujący goal - cel to hcal - zaleczyć evi sting - łstnkflcy to stop sth from forming - zapobiec tworzeniu się czegoś

to prtYem slh - zapobiec czemuś

embarrassment -zakłopotanie accompaitying -towarzyszący

lo prescribc - przepisywać (lek)

topical - miejscowy systemie - ogólnouslrojowy


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