ptwnt it ftom getung worse. The choice of the treatment depends on how advanced the ccllulitc is, tlić age of the woman, the amount of time and money she can afford co spend
pobto - ocmfiMc ' •
• woned irith - doptfawiońy i nhołcgram certals \ - pdnozłtrnUtt produkty
ZOOJ&WC ''-V i*.-
cookies-ciasteczka 'I candy - cukierek }/,.■ roasl -piec (o mięs*) i to prohibit - zabroni .. .
: to lołe ireigbl - schudną - tlabby-obwisły painstaking - tsdfłlfrry
Although noc all women affected by cdJuliie are overwcjghr, this is usually the caie with women om forty in whom cellulite takes the form of unughtly fumps and bumps. The Studio therapists adrise these wotn-en to modify dieir diet soasto reduce not only tlie intake of caloties but also of fats, cspcdaOy saturated ones. Smali meals. an increased amount of vegeubłes and fruit, complca catbohydtates Juch aj a baked potato seajoncd with herbs, brown dcc, wholegrain ccreals art recommendcd while coobes, candy, refined jugar and roajted mcaa are prohibited. Beauty dicrapists nem tell thejr ebentj to lose weight. lnjiead, they speak about the beautifying, rquvctudng and envigotaung diet which can make their dients look better and feel younger and morę uendy. Sandra has cven prepared a speaal list of good and bad foods, accompanicd by n number of cooking rccipes. \Vhcn wdght k»s begim. dients are cncouraged to comc to the Studio to have a series of masjages with spe-dal and-ccllulite preparauons wluch not only minimizc the orange ped appearance of the skin but also prcvenr it from getdng flabby. Howew, even the best beauty salon treatment wdl not give spcctacular elTects if the dient ncgleco emyday body care. Effccts follow only long-tcrm, often painstakmg work of the beauty therapist and the ebent.
J. Which part of their body do women give most attention to?
1 What should the skin of the woman’s thighs, arms, buttocks and stornach be like?
3. When do most women becomc awatc of the condidon of their body?
4. How do they try to eliminate the probiem?
5. Is it casy to get nd of eacess fat and orange peel skin?
6. How does Sandra try to help women with such problem*?
7. Are women aware of the ccllulitc problem?
8. Where can they find a kx of infbrmation about ccllulitc, its prcven-tion and treatment? •
9. Why ihcn is cdlulite sdll such a great problem for a latgc number of women?
10. Docj the Tip-Top Studio offer any and-cellulite treatment*?
11. What does the choice of a given ana-cellulitc programme depend on?
12. In what group of women is cellulite associated with ovcrweight?
13. How does it manifest itsdf in this group apart ftom the orange peel appea rance?
U. What do the Studio theraputs advise theSe women to do?
15. Do they ever speak about a slimmmg diet and the need to losc weight?
16. What has Sandra ptepared for such dients?
17. What are such dients encouraged to do when weight loss begins?
18. What do the effects of fighting cellulite depend on?
Completc the scntcncc addrcssed by the beauty therapist to her
clicnt using the right form and tense of the verb in brackcts.
1. Let me wam you not to losc weight too Bul If you..................
it too fast, your skin..................flabby and melastic (lut; hek)
Irt good to know it
2. If weight loss .................. with massages, the excess ikm
..................(bt (Ombwii; U abswbtd)
3. It’s impottani to intervcne early when the first signs of the orange
peel skin appeat. When ccllulitc.................. worsc and morę
atcn«ve, it..................morę difficult to fight it (git; bt)
4. Women tend to pot thmgs off. I mean giving themsdves an anń-ceł-
lulite treatment. If me and..................
the treatment consistcntly ovex a longcr penod of time, the cellulite
changes..................or even...................(liska; fotkar, ust;
5. We shouldn’t spare money on what is good fot us. Trust me, if you
.................. this regunen and .................. it consistently,
you..................a matked irnprovement m dsc appcarance of
your skin. (adept; fik*; stt)
6. Beauty does not mean resignation from all and any pJeasures. If
you..................up aetobics,.................. morę ume out-
doors and .................. minerał water instead of Coke, you
.................. lightet and younger. And, the orange ped skin
...............or at least..................better. (fakt, sptnd; drink;
M (