Course title: descriptive grammar |
Course codę: | |
Type of course: ob/igalory |
Level of course: advcmced | |
Year of study: II |
Semester: III |
| Number of hours: 15 |
Number of credits: |
Teaching methods: lecture | |
Language of instruction: English |
Name of lecturer: dr Tadeusz Danilewicz |
Prerequisites: |
Students are familiar with different ways of implementing theoretical tools to the analysis of selected aspects of language units |
Objectives of the course (expressed in terms of learning outeomes and competences): |
Students should be able to analyze semantic and pragmatlc aspects of language units; Students will implement the theoretical tools in the design ofan original language input. |
-the study of meaning;
-lexical semantics;
-meaning relations among words; -conceptualization and categorization; -sentence meaning and interpretation; -speech acts;
-cooperative principle;
-conyersation analysis._
Assessment methods: exam_
Aitchinson, J. (2003). Words in the Mind. An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. Malden: Blackwell.
Becker, A., Bieswanger, M. (2006). Introduction to Linguistics. A. Francke Verlag Tubingen und Basel.
Gregory, H. (2000). Semantics. London: Routledge
Lakoff, G. Johnson, M. 1980. Metaphors We Live Bv. The University of Chicago.
Langacker, R. 1984. Foundations of Coanitiye Grammar. Mimeo.
Langacker, R. W. (2001) “A Dynamie Usage-based Model” in Usage-Based Models ., Language, Michael Barlow and Suzanne Kremmer eds., Stanford: CSU Publications. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Language, Michael Barlow and Suzanne Kremmer eds., Stanford: CSLI Publications.Lyons, J. 1977._