Course descriptions

Philosophy (type of course: obligatory) 2hrs of lecture per week

Course codę




Semester 1, winter

Number of teaching hours


ECTS credits









prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Skalski

Objectives of the course

To present basie trends and its exponents in the history of philosophy and contemporary philosophical thought. To introduce students to main notions and categories of philosophy, understand the significance of discussed philosophical systems, ability to interpret the essence of philosophical revolutions.


Basic notions of philosophy; philosophical investigations; Greek philosophy; Plato’s teaching; the philosophy of Aristotle; Protagoras; Christian philosophy; Cartesian revolution; dispute over interrelationship between the mind and body; dualism; the origins and development of modem empirism; the philosophy of Kant; the philosophy of Hegel and its influence on history; F. Nietzsche and the influence of his philosophical system on modern humanities; humanistic revolution; philosophical underpinnings of social communication.

Recommended reading

AJDUKIEWICZOWIE M. i K.,1958, Kartezjusz. Medytacje o pierwszej filozofii, Warszawa. COPLESTON F., 1989, Historia filozofii, Warszawa.

KANT E., 1957, Krytyka czystego rozumu, Kraków.

KOTARBIŃSKI T., 1974, Kurs logiki dla pracowników, Warszawa.

KUBIAK Z., 2007, Wyznania. Św. Augustyn, Warszawa.

Platona Państwo, 1958, Warszawa.


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