Contemporary political Systems (type of course: obligatory) 3hrs of lecture per week
Course codę |
Year |
Semester |
Number of teaching hours |
ECTS credits | |
0100-DAX107 |
I |
1, winter |
45 |
2 | |
Format |
Language |
Assessment |
Lecturer(s) | ||
lecture |
Polish |
grade |
Polish staff |
Objectives of the course
The main objective of the lecture is presenting the most important notions and phenomena connected with political systems. Students should acąuire knowledge of and understand the structure and modus operandi of different political institutions. Furthermore, they should obtain the ability to classify political parties and party systems. The purpose of the lecture is also to point out the significance of procedures and institutions in the goveming process. During the course students gain knowledge about political systems in different European countries. They understand the idea of the citizenship.
The notion of political system; political systems in selected countries (United Kingdom, Russian Federation, United States, France, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, India, Mexico); political regime versus political system; regime in Europę; European social and political divisions; conflicts in Europę; the languages of left- and right-wing parties; the notion of political party; political parties in West Europę; political parties in Middle and East Europę; political parties versus pressure group; electoral system; system of rules in Poland; selected worldwide systems of party; the structure and role of the parliament; public authority and its body; the notion of citizenship.
Recommended reading
ANTOSZEWSKI A., HERBUT R., 2006, Systemy polityczne współczesnej Europy, Warszawa. GUNNING J., P., 2001, Zrozumieć demokrację. Warszawa.
HAMAN J., 2003, Demokracja, decyzje, wybory. Warszawa.
PRZYBYLSKI H„ 1996, Politologia, Katowice.
SOBOLEWSKA-MYŚLIK K„ 2005, Partie i systemy partyjne na świecie. Warszawa.
WIATR J„ RACIBORSKI J„ BARTKOWSKI J„ 2000, Demokracja polska 1989 - 2003, Warszawa. ŻMIGRODZKI M„ DZIEMIDOK-OLSZEWSKA B„ 2007, Współczesne systemy polityczne, Warszawa.
ŻUK P., 2004, Demokracja spektaklu. Warszawa.