General Sociology (type of course: obligatory) lhr of tutorial per week

Course codę




Semester 1, winter

Number of teaching hours


ECTS credits 1








dr Tomasz Ferenc, mgr Izabela Franckiewicz

Objectives of the course

The purpose of the course is to acąuaint students with the basie terminology, notions and research tools used in sociology. During the course students should gain the skill to assess mechanisms conceming individual and social group behavior. Also, to introduce students to the notion of culture and its intemal structure. To understand the idea of social transformation.


The most important notions of modem sociology; the brief outline of sociological schools; social groups; interaction; communication; the notion of social life; social processes; social roles; social personality and its components; the phenomenon of deviation; family; social bonds; culture and its impact on social life; the notion of culture and nation.

Recommended reading

Aronson E., 2000, Człowiek - istota społeczna. Warszawa.

BERGER P., 2001, Zaproszenie do socjologii. Warszawa.

BOKSZAŃSKI Z., 1997, Stereotypy a kultura, Wrocław.

DOMAŃSKI, H., 2004, Struktura społeczna. Warszawa.

SZTOMPKA, P., 2004, Socjologia. Analiza społeczeństwa, Kraków.


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