Polish media system (type ofcourse: obligatory) 2hrs of lecture per week

Course codę





2, summer

Number of teaching hours


ECTS credits 1








dr Marcin Składanek

Objectives of the course

The aim of the course is to present Polish media system and its transformations based on media doctrines. To understand mechanisms goveming media market, perceive main players of media market in Poland, identify the role of specific media and media institutions. Also to gain a thorough knowledge of the meaning and significance of public and commercial mass media in Polish media system.


Mass communication; methods and techniąues of mass communication; the significance of technological revolution; media doctrines: authoritarian, liberał, communist, social responsibility, democratic participation; catholic; constantly informing institutions; primitive and secondary market; the notion of media system; information agencies in Poland; the Polish Press Agency; media convergence; advertising market; advertising agencies; the structure of Media system in Poland; press market; radio market; TV market; Internet as an important part of the media market; public versus commercial media.

Recommended reading

BARTA J., 2004, Prawo mediów, Warszawa.

BORKOWSKI A., 1976, Informacyjne agencje prasowe, Kraków.

GOBAN-KLAS T., 1999, Media i komunikowanie masowe. Teorie i analizy prasy, radia, telewizji i Internetu, Kraków.

PISAREK W., 2006, Słownik terminologii medialnej, Kraków.


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