The structurc we rccommend for a WU tournament looks like this:

•    Registration and decklist chcck

•    lst Round

•    lst Break


•    2nd Round

•    2nd Break

•    Mh Round

•    A'th Break

•    Results

Fccl frcc to changc this structurc if you wish, though the rulcs that follow arc based on this structurc.

Registration and


Ali of your playcrs should register for the cvcnt - this may be as simplc as them tuming up or something morę fornial. such as giving their details to a scorekecpcr or the cvcnt organiser and bcing assigned a player number. At the most serious cvcnts playcrs arc rcquired to give their name. the warband they are using and a decklist enumerating their objeethe and power decks.

We rccommend that playcrs usc the same warband and decks in each gamę they play in a WU tournament - this helps the cvent run faster - but you should fecl frec to vary this if you wish.

Oncc all playcrs arc registered, pairings for the lst round will be randomly allocated - by player number if they arc bcing uscd - by the organiser/judge/scorckccper.


Each round in our suggested format is a single gamę of WU. We rccommend that you allow 45 minutes for the complction of the gamę. though if you arc running an cvcnt for beginners you may wish to allow a bit longcr.

If the playcrs run out of timc in a round. we suggest that the playcrs play to the end of the currcnt gamę round. aiter which the gamę ends as if that was the finał end phase. Whatever you dccide. make surę that your playcrs know what will happen! Whcn the gamę is dccidcd. the playcrs should fili in their results sheets together.

You can havc as many rounds as you like. but we suggest having at least 3 and up to as many as your timc allows.


In each break the playcrs hand the rclcvant section of their results shcct to a scorekecpcr, who will rccord the results and updatc the player standings. The pairings for the ncxt round arc then announeed (we rccommend following the pairing system dcscribcd in the appendix).


The results arc announeed following the finał break. The highest-scoring player wins.

We havc dcscribcd a number of ticbrcakcrs in the appcndix for whcn playcrs arc tied. You should make it elear as part of the information you givc playcrs what ticbrcakcrs will be used.

You should also make it elear what prizes will be awardcd, and which rankings they will be awarded to.


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