QP Codc : 13857
Out of purchases on Dcc. Sth, 100 units werc retumed to thc supplier on Dcc. 8th.
Notę Calculatc Wcighted Average Kate up to two dccimal point*.
3. (a) Mr. Jcct, an cmploycc of thc company gets the following cmoiurr.ents 8
and ber.cfits:
Basic wages |
r 35.00C per month 1 |
Deamcss allowance |
100% of basie |
Empioycris contribution to providesit fund |
10% of basie |
Emp!oycr’s contribution to E. S. I. |
4% of basie - |
Bonus |
15% of basie |
Othcr allowance* |
r 42,500 p a. |
Hc worka for 3,000 hcurs pc: annum, out of which 600 hours arc normal idlc tiir.e. Mr. Jcct workcd 30 cffcctive hourt on a job- ‘B’ whcrc the cost of dircct materiał is T 50,000 and ovcrhcads sre 60% of coenbined cost of materia! and labour. 'Jbc sale valuc of job is quoted to eam profit 25% on cost.
You are required to fund out Effcctivc hourly cost of Mr. Jcct and thc Bxpectcd sales value of job- ‘B’
(b) A Company is kaving three production dcpaiar.cnts namcly, A, B and 7 C and two scrriec departments Slacd S2. The expcnses incunrcd during thc month of March 2015 arc as follows:-
Expcnses |
Amount (?) |
Supervision |
30.000 |
Firc Insurance |
10,000 |
Power |
18,000 |
Light |
6,000 |
Rent |
10,000 |
Rcpairs and Mai.nter.ancc |
17,000 |
Depreciation on Plam |
8,500 |