Sophomorc* (llctl out of thc gym ahcr ihr hofnrtromlng prp avtrnthlv.

Panel dkm%ion% on VMrlmiii loplcu %%rrc heli! In NorthHr*! KnglUh II rlaw*.

ibout frog dissection in biology classes

Chrryl WrMra Dale Whedcr Słcvrn Wlllcfnnl Jullr Wlllla

Młtharl Williams Slirila Williams Kaiłiy Wochnlk Mkłiad W.hhI

Cin»rj<r W«m<łrkk Sirvm Wood» Sumii Wuck.i Hi.ulicy Wy nil

Allan /.lewici Dianr /ima Kolicrl /lina Krnnclli /lulk..v* »ki

Mar ii vn /urn Nancy Zwcck

l.ynnr Ycalc*

Kichani /a<mki Krnnrlh ZtwlMOWikl Kllie /rhr

Micharl Ziomek jerome Zondlo Itunncll /uhaiy 1'alruia /ulw





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