1966 (7)

1966 (7)

Power msc brakes addcd to your ncw Holdcn takc much of thc cifbrt out of stopping. Fndc-r«istant 111 all conditious, they givc unootli, muc stopi cvcry timc witli thc lightcst of pedał pressures and a fuli sense of contro!. Standard on all Holdcn modeli arc big self-adjusting brakes. An inbuilt dcvicc in each whccl auto-matically takes up wcar evcry timc thc brakes arc applied*whilc the car is rcvcrsed.

New Mim ujm iow profile tyius, standard on all models. contributc to Holdcn’s grcatly improvcd ridc and road-holding.

New posmyp. trachon rear axlc bccłi up your traction (and your confidcncc) on coructs and in rough going. If one wheel can get a grip. positivc traction lets you go!

Power steering, designed spccifically for ncw Holdcn, liclpi talie thc kinks out of curvcs, makes tight turns and parking much easicr. Cuts steering cfiort by up to 70% but still givcs you a firm "fed of thc road”.

Put your pcrsoual siamp ou New Holden willi tltis mmnuclted selcction ofopiions

PowergUde jutoimtic tummmioii j ‘1H6’ (126-hp) engine / ‘X2’ (145-lip) euginc (with ipeeul instrument duster) / Ncw positire traction rcar-jjae / Power iteerinc / Power dilC brako / Power oprrjted rear window (il.nioii vcd)i« only) / Vinyl-covercd roofi (blaek or whitc. Premier icdjni only) I Whiicwall tyrcł / Two-tonc body coloun / Ants-iim windihields.



161 ENGINE: Six cylinder*. Barę. 3-375 ins. Streke, 3.CC ins. Capacity. 161 ci ins. Mac broke forsepowei. 114 at 4.400 RPM. Mar. torque. 157 Ibs./IU ai 2.000. Ccmprossion ratio 9.2:1. Also avai abki with cempression ratio 8.2:1. 103 harr.ir perwer at 4.400 RPM. Ma*, torpjc. 146 Ibs./ft. at 2.00) IIP!/. SAE ar RAC rai ng 27.34 h.p.

•.es t.NsiNt Six cylinders. Borę. 3.625 ir-s. Siroke. 3.00 ins. Capacity. 336 cu. ins. Mn*, brakc horsepawer, 126 at 4.200 RPM. M.ix. torpuo, 131 Ibs.Mt. at 1.600. Comceession ratio 8.8:3. SAE er RAC rating 31.54 h.p.

X2 ŁNSiru Six cylinders. Borę. 3.625 ins. Siroke, 3.00 ins. Capacity. 186 cu. ns. Max. brakc horsepewer. 145 at 4,600 RPM. Max. torquo, 1S4 !os,/1t. at 1.6C0. Comprassion ratio 9.2:3. SAE oi RAC rating 3t.54 h.p.

engine features 0HV Inl ne engine. Oversquaie design. Modified wedge design ccmbustion cnamfccrs. Seven-bearinR crankshaft. Hydraulic valve lilters. X2 h3S aluminium alioy main and connecting red bearings, twin cxhaust manlfoldi. fuel SYSTEM: Bcnriix-Stronr:terg single barrel down-draft typo carburettor. AC fluid-trealed rcplaecable pacer elenwnl air cleane- and siloncor. Fuel tank capac-Ity. 11.5 imp. gallons. X? eng-ne air cleaner is a single unit with twin adactois and eil wetted polyurcthnnc element. X2 also bas twin carburettors and a high htt camshatL

LUBRiCATiOM: Fuli pressurc lutrication system. AC fuli tiow disposablc tyce oi futer with oit ronreturn chcck vafve ccolinc Presmrtscd cooiing system with lull-length water jackots around each cyllndc-r. X2 engine also has water-ccoled inlei mannold. Thcrmostat oon-troi. Centrifugal water pump. llCCTRlCAł. SYSTEM 22volt batfery with 44 amp.-hour capacity at 20 lwur rabng. 35 amps, alternator (generator). Irtegral centrifugai and vacuum autcenatic advancc contro!.

manuał TRANSMissiCN: Standard 3-saced Thrce forward speeds and reverse. Syn-chrcmnsh on second and tcp. Gcars carburiscd and shot-poened.

AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION: Powerglide. Hydraulic lorquo converter with planelary gear system.

brakCS: Four whool hydrduiic. duo serw. reYersc sclf-adjusting Total eftec!ive lining aren of 123.86 SQ. ins. Optonal front wheel powor disc brakes. SUSPENSION: Frcnt: independent, with front wheel coil springing with short arvj long arms. Stab liscr bar. Rear: Semi-elliplic rear sorings. Four leaves on Sedans. five lea-.-cs on Stat on Sedans. Oirecf-acling shock absorters front ard rear.

steering: Recirculaiing bali. Gear ratio. 16.8:1. 36Vi ft. turning circle. wheels ano TYRES: Ocmountable dlsc wheels. 13 x 4.50J. Tubeloss 6.50 x 12 x 4-ply medium kiw profile tyres. Slx-pl> tyres optional at extra cost on all models. S3fety rims.

UGHTiMG Sealed beam heacfiamps. Foot operating dimmer switch. Dual stop and taił lights. Rea/ licence piąte lamp. seif cancclling tlashing tum indicator lights — front and rear. Parking lights com bincd with (rent (urn Indicator lights Passenger compartmcnt lamp. Indiroct iitstrunwnt panel lightlng. liluminatcd seleclor quadrant (automatic models) Back up amps standard cn Premier and automatc rrcdels


bcoy STRucTum All stcel aerobilt eon-Struction,

pimensions Wheelbase, 106 0 ins. Tr«:k — front. 54.3 ins.; rear. 54.9 ins. Over-all length — sedans. 181.1 ins.; stnticn sedans. 180.2 ins. Obrali Iseighl at kerb weight — sedan. 58.3 ins.. slaticn sedan. 58.5 ins Ovcrall widlh. 70.0 ins. Ground elcarance. 7.0 ins.

instrument panel Saloly padded Specd-ometer. Petrof gaugo. Water tempera turę light, oil pressuro and generator charaing lell-tale lamps.* Fwe pesilion ignilion/starfer switch. Mo-n light switch Windshield w per switch Choko ccntrol knob. Ashtray. G!ove fcox wth locking lid. Plenum chamber yentilatcn ccntrol lever. Engine hood lock confrol kneb, MCOELS WITH X3 tNGINI Oil prCSSUfO gauge, ammeter and walor temperaturo gauge

•/urn    len.we ram/it    tram

/ńd-cMc* lamp.


all modelS: Electric TAO^pecd dual wnd-shie d wipc/s. "Modified Zonę” windshield. Prdrision lor (ront seat belt installatlcn Two spoke tirshed-type steering wheel with horn actualing rocking bar recessed in sooker.. In Premier models. rocking bar is Łupplemenled by a half horn ring with wood gram l.nd/i insert Fully adiussaWc trent seat. Seats tdted with ~Z~ typc swinga. Sad km uphcfstery — Morrckidc on Premier models. No-draught ventiia-tors with loeks — front cniy. Dual sun visors. Ashtrays frcnt and rear. Hołd ocen dcor checks — all daors. Front dcor lock operating key also operates ignition/starter switch. kick on glwe box IkJ. luggage compartmcnt lid lock cn Sedans. tailgato Icek on Statijn Sedans. Interior rear vision mirror. Inner frcnl fendors. Dacr sili scutf plalcs. Counter-batanced engine hcod. VAnd<Jown taił-gate window cn Staticn Sedans. standard and SPEClAi Si UAN4: Front, rear and luggage compartmcnts hm rubbc/ mat dcor covcring l uggage compartmcnt counter baianccd lid.

STANOARD ANO SPECIAL STATION SEOAN P.V.C. fmtsn load compartmcnt in Special, palnt finish m Standard. Plated stcel skid strips. Rubber fleor mats in passenger compartmcnt.

SPECIAL SEDANS AND SPECIAL STATION sedans Single colou'S in Magie MirrorIrndlł. two-tonc optional cxtra Addition-al stainless sleol mouldings Frcnt and reaf synthetic foam seat cushon pads. Cour-tesy swltches operated by front doo*s. Applied armrest associated with rerrote control handtCS arc fittcd to Ircnt dcor5. Coat hooks and assist straps. Cigarełte lighter.


SRtC Al EOOIPMEHT CN PRCMICR SrOAKS ano siAtiON si oA,ss: ‘Magie--Minor' finish in metali *c cciours. Windshield washers. WNtowaM tyres fnarraw band). Wheel env beliir.nors. Dual horns. Colour-keyed steering wheel with halt ring horn contro]. Interior antighre rear yision mirrer. Insi-vidu.V adjustablc front buefcet seats. Ash-trays in back of each front seat. Applied amsrcsts front and rear Oaors for Premier Sedan, front only for Station Sedans. Fold down centre armrest in rear seat. Chrome-ptated door sili scult plates. LuCKage compartmcnt lamp (Stslan only). GIcrre box lamp. Handbrake warning lamp. Frcsh air heater and dernister. Marrokide opholstery. Wool pile carpet Door cover-ing front ar.d rear. Coc sole in tront com partment between tyjcket seats which in-corpcrates a glcve box with padded lid. Matching trim and ch/oms side retaining strips in load ccmpartment ot Premier Station Sedan.

OPTIONAL lOUlPflNTi Powcrglide Ir.insirns-son. Power-3SSi$ted disc brakes. Limited slip differential. Whitcwnll tyres (standard on Premier models). Tmlcd anlisun w.ndshields. Powcr-opcratcd rear window (Station Sedans). Twotonc paint finish with additional mouldings (Special models). 186 and X2 engines optional on all Standard and Special models X2 engine optional cn Premier models. Power steering. Vinyt cosered rool (Premier Sedan).

EManatcd Korb WelghlS:

Standard Sedan    2,601    Ibs.

Special Sedan    2,608    Ibs.

Premier Sedan    2,682    Ibs.

Standard Station Sedan    2,738 Ibs.

Special Station Sedan    2,755    Ibs.

Premier Station Sedan    2,822    ibs.

*0.1 J9 Uli. lor Pomirglltl* li*nimly.cn Speciffcdrioiw aro oou.>nonr łoOjoci to Oiatyto wkf.cul noi.ee


Exc\usively designed features to make Holden even morę to your liking!

NASCO Acccssorics arc GMH-approvcd and designed co ejvc your ncw Turbo-smooth Holdcn that something cxtra in looks and com fort. Why not havc theni fitted right front thc word go?

Air cillBP car radio is cspccially designed for Holdcn... for bartery cconomy and long-rangc rcccption ... for high fulciity sound... for sheer motoring plcasurc. Try it in your Holdcn!


Warmaridi: deluxf. freshair heater, complctc with booster fan, will make your Holdcn snugly wami in sccotids and dcmist windshields. too. A motorlcss model is availablc if you prefer it.

Nasco seat BF.ITS arc one accessory you s)>ouldn't miss out. Thcy'rc madę from strongly wovcn mesh for maximum protcction and now comc in upholstcry-harmony colours — red, bluc, ran, black, grcy and grccn. And NASCO Seat Uelc Rctractors kcep bclts ridy when not in usc.


Rear seat speaker — Power Brakes — Paint proteccion plates — Mud flaps — Interna] inscct scrccn — Wcathcrsbicld

—    Rcvcrsing lamps — Gear levcr lock

—    Parcel shelf — Floor mats — Handbrake warning lamp — Sunshadc — S/Scdan luggage compartmcnt mat and covcr — Retractablc antenna — Wheel chocks — High notę horn — Rubber cushton bumpers — Body sili mouldings

—    Rear wheel covers — Visor vanity minor — Glovc box courtesy lamp — Ptill-to door handlcs — And-glare rear vicw mirror — Tow bar — Tclcscopic rear vicw mirror — Fcndcr rear vicw mirror — Locking pctrol cap Hood ornament — Fcndcr mouldings —Wheel trim ringi — Coolaridc cusllions — Suit-case set — Vcnctian shades — Rear seat handrail — Anti-glarc mirror niask — Dust dcflcctor.



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