•/) Insert one row of data in the tablc wlth Roli Number 715.
Student* Kime ‘lliral Jaln'and Dateof Admission July 73. 201S. vi) Change the name of the cclumn Roi! Number toRNO.
Vi\) Reriatne the tablc COLLEGE as MARK.
Qł (A)
Answcr tnyone sub-quesion from (a). (U) in MySQl. (8)
There exisss a Uhle ELECTRIC hnvlnR the columns Consumer number (CNO, intcp.er), Consumer nnmn (CONA, charseter). muter number (MNO. character). type of connection (TYPE, character) ar.d bill amount (BILU Integer).
Write MySQL qucncr for the foDowing.
!i)Ksplay tte Consumer numbcr. r/pe of connection and bill amount ^
lv) Display consumer number. me ter numbcr and bil! amount wfc5j?o the consumer number Is cdd. ' v)Dl8pUy all the-rows in the aswnding order cfbiH air.ou.^u^-
There cjćsts a tabłe T3AV£L contamlng columns cusgmcr number (CNUM. intep.er), custcmcr name (CNAME, ch^Scier), holiday destlnation (DEST. character). There (OtlStt ar.ti;hcr labie DETAILS eonulning the columns customer numbcr ir.teger), amount
cuoted (QUOTE, integer)ar.d datę Of travel ((OT; Datę).
Write MySQL ęueries for the following. x./ i) Display Customer number. owtomei Stffeie and amour.t Ąuoted for those having holiday desbnatlon 'DUBAV using both the tables.
Il) Display Customer numbcr. holiday-siestination and datę of travel for thoee custoroere whoi^ datę of travel Is aRer Ort ober 15.
20IS uring lxith the tables.,.^'" lii) Display Customer nurnbe^and amount <iuoted from thctsble DETAILS for those custómers where the amount ąuoted Is ctjual to the highest amouat^uoted.
Iv) Display Costoinc/ ńymber. amount qu:ited and datę of trnvel from the tablc DETAILS" for those who want to trav«l Ir. the month of Ka>‘- \y
v) Display all ibą fóws from the tab-le TRAYEL where Uie holiday destlnation coatains 'U'.
(3) AnSsyer aoyone r.ib-ques*.io:i from (c). (d) in MySQl
(c) T^fc existó & tablc OFFICE containing columnshimplayce number /<.JEN, Intep.er), name of the employcc (NAME..character), department ^ ' name (IJSFT. Character). provid«tl fund arr.ount (PF, nutr.erlc) and datę of dccuctior. (DEDDT. datę). Write MySQl queries for tlie fołlowing.
i) Display the department name. avcrap,e of prOYident fund amount and minimum of the provident fund amount firoujied as per 2- department