Table of contents
The impact of Edward Snowdens case on privacy 191
of data in cyberspace
Michał Grzelak
Early June 2013 saw one of the most significant events relating to the security of cyberspace and information it contains. The revelation by a former US intelligence analyst of information on data collection by US special services, turned the subject which had thus far been confined to interested groups of experts and hobbyists into an area of interest of the broad public, and triggered a global discussion about privacy in the Internet. It pro-voked responses followed by specific actions by the interested parties, such as national authorities, international corporations as well as individual Internet users. Limiting data collection and fostering bigger social awareness about cyber security are positive changes, however according to many, they are still not enough.
Ryszard M. Czarny: High North - między geografię a politykę, 215
Paweł Turowski
Mikę Winnerstig (red.): Tools of Destabilization. Russian Soft Power 219
and Non-military Influence in the Baltic States,
Anna Madej
Andrew Wilson: Ukrainę Crisis. What it Meansfor the West, 221
Przemysław Pacuła
Łukasz Jureńczyk: Wojna z talibami i Al-Kaidę. Afganistan w latach 1994-2012, 223
Paweł Malendowicz
About the Authors 227
„National Security” ąuarterly - publishing rules 229
and information for the Authors
„National Security” ąuarterly - peer review process 230
Bezpieczeństwo Narodowe 2015/1
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