PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is refractive surgery whereby the surface layer of the cornea Is removed without cutting the fiap.
LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is a popular corrective eye procedurę whereby a corneal fiap is madę with a blade/laser to expose the corneal stroma to the laser.
Only 5% of laser eye surgery patients opt for PRK
95% of laser eye surgery patients achieve at I least 20/40 vision _H
5% of PRK patients still wear glasses after their procedurę
PRK doesnt protect patients agalnst effects of aging & may not fully correct all refractive Issues 2% of PRK patients require touch-ups or enhancements after their PRK procedurę
96% of the 3 million people who have undergone refractive surgery did It through LASIK
596.000 LASIK surgenes were conducted In the USA In 2015 alone
Stats show that LASIK is the most popular cholce. mostly amongst patients around the age of 35
98% of patients remained satlsfied even 6 months after surgery
98% of wave front patients suffering from mlld to moderate nearsightedness gained 20/20 vision after surgery.
45%-83% of mildly nearsighted patients galn 20/20 wsion or better after LASIK
PRK is the nght cho.ce for you if you
Are at least 18 years old
Have had a stable eyeglass prescrlption for at least one year
Have extremely thin corneas, irregular astigmatism or have had prior eye surgery Have no abnormalities of the cornea or extemal eye
Do not have any autoimmune diseases
Are not pregnant or nursing at the time of surgery
Are not consuming any medications whlch interfere with the surgical 8. healing process
LASIK is the right choiceforyou if you:
• Are at least 18 years old
Have vision that has stayed
* consistent for at least one year
# Do not suffer from chronić dryeye
0 Have a cornea thick enough to create a corneal fiap
Do not actively participate in 0 contact sports - boxers. marbal artists orwrestlers are not good candldates for LASIK
0 Have not been very successful with contact lenses
Are not pregna nt or breast-feeding at the time of surgery
Discuss your payment optlons
Avoid eye make-up 3 days before LASIK treatment
Perfume / cologne / deodorants should not be used on the day of the treatment
Have a thorough dilaied eye exam to determine whether you are a good candidate
Put the antibiotic eye drops in both eyes as per the doctor^ recommendation
Stop using contact lens 1 week before surgery
No smoking on the Do not consume any
day of the surgery alcohol or sedatives that could make you drowsy prior to the surgery
Numbing drops areplaced in the eye to soften the cornea
Step 2
The surface of the ......
cornea is smoothen by thesurgeonwitha special surgical instrument
Step 3
An excimer laser is then used to precisely reshape the curvature of the cornea's i surface j........•
Step 4
A soft contact lens is then -• placed on the cornea to help protect the eye as it heals
Corneal fiap is created with a microkeratome
Step 2
The corneal fiap is
Step 4
The corneal fiap is folded back in place and allowed to heal naturally with no stitches
Avoid rubbingyour eyes for at least a month after the operation
Wear the eye shield/goggles that you will receive in your post-operative kit when sleeping for the next week after surgery
Avoid swimming or any such water contact for the next 1 week after surgery
No exercise for 2 Wear eye protection Wear sunglasses
days after surgery for the ftrst week os needed
after surgery
No eye makeup for at least a week after surgery
sum -
Mild/Moderate myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. J Must have adequate corneal thickness.
Mild/moderate myopia.
_ hyperopia and astigmatism. ^ Must have adequate corneal thickness.
Roughly 10-15 minutes per eye
4 days to over a week
Scarrlng & unpredictable heaYingofthe cornea
Mild to moderate pain during the healing process
Roughly 10-15 minutes per eye
1-3 day recovery time
Imperfect fiap
Fiap can have microscopic wrinkles
Inflammation under the fiap
REFERENCES: w» uAVW.insishtvisioncenter.COm * V. 559-449-5050