Intelligent biomedical clothing analyzing physiological State, endurance and training

efficiency using advanced biomedical sensors, analytical methods and artificial intelligence.

UE project: RPMA.01.02.00-14-9S47/17


Super Sport Hero

Sports Tracker Analytical Mobile Application

Training Analitics & History Web-Portal

rlnnovative smart clothing

integralne! with an advanced wlrolew biomedical data analytH module and a mobile appllcation cupported by analycic web portal.


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Medicdl Sensora Data Fusion mm ose *•*lulltrm



Biomedical Integrator Sensor Unit J wireless rmdtlsensor

Smart Clothing

boHMn gr aphlto elcc.tr odeo brcathing. ergonomie

NUTPro Super Sport HERO

ls pc a.idcd by


Military University of Technology




HWMChnilnn Tadrtu 5n<W.

Cpruttj (Mtwrl Cro«Mta

Ki.idMi    ł*4»»

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the System otfeis Ihr hrst suth a «VSe tpcctrum ol enatysis rot 0'l, ot endurance spcuts. bul a*»o wrrngth and pc<«<»mańce

spwtC grrng a ful piture of (fiytfctogkal rMCIKnl of t** lum.r' t«K>, Soch a mVtt sc* ■ Ir.m ar«l aiiirMyoi Immrdra sejnrl rcgUSltKn hrun cirrłldeO ar(!h te*

ergmnmcy .ud certnnletwe ot leng-term use o* tpcdalirctl ertattublc spo-tyaiew cuperrrsed tri incoo'1 rltctuyścs aro an aruM»:al moMU acpkattai. Tfu ioif5*ełMir.sv muutuno) sytlum COmbtlM mdlithannrl •CHrtmrrrCKgiadri ano eWtlrc«oytspa|es' mulim tort, temperaturę ,ml smsrbng "»I|W fo irmul, andyye WA!‘\ pftfic.i! KtMly bcusomtif pnxm«

The mc of spetlitllred bropotentMls meesurement technlgues and long-larm nrsearch on human phy-slologycal pattwrm allanwd Ilia team tu dtmrlup tli* fcnontedge bace ot tho cystern, integrated nithin the mobile appllcation. capablc ot cttort physiotog-y analycic and Idcntlhcatlon ot posłtłae and neoatfre heałth cvents. &y ccmbnng the crulyNS of physKfoqy. the system WrodiKrs new funitr cm for the euokłatton o# performer! trainrrjs as e.rll as undtetafcen iwijentration of Ihr body m mitel topruride amore lumpfetr and |wn nr anafywS of the user S c*rytiatoqv Tłua tyciem prov«tec proprietary algonthnrt for tli* analycic ot biomedkal and Inertial cignalc ucod to accecc eneegy e«pendiiure. training quality and actIWty. iaklnq Into account the dynamie paramctccs ot the heart. chcst and bach musclcs. rtyythm of movcmcnt temperaturę dynamice and skin conductance - allowing for the recordlng and analysls of comp*e» poarer and performance tratmng. Ih« system uses deweloper! training patieim and cotects user *yy "*"n*kicg|i(ir4te and paramelwn/e Ihu cystern for a ijnrtn irsarr. piwpadtiy prupatah for »!■■■• program. An Important element ot the cyctein'c functiorcabty rc detereaining training and health eyentc uung analycic of

(4) and EMG <4). skin conductance and actajrapłry dctcnruncd trom rccorded Inertial signals The Inncr.abon behnd the system ls an Wnwetlac aery sophłsi Igucfsleelectrodrscpcimireclwrr-g mtegraied artth ilothngj. a terb mobile. wweless bornwdk ai yignal integrator, a speets moble applnal portal mad* In tli* mocl moim. implu-mnUI ■». tac biamedeji dgnai arulycrc, reatomrt) and yunnn rKognition. ecęya-omc u ser intertace. The comblnalion ot T-chirt

acthity of hcart (ECO), mus des (EMG). sWn condu supplemented wlth mocwment acthfty. predsinn of measurements and Increases about the uwr tralnmg s phyclology - an Smart (tiUiimj dbirmrc better guantity. the meihanrtmc for detocting health ccuijj atow to otfcc the T-shirt« a p' uniform mtccratcd element The developed sohrbon can be utlll;

tnol for effort analyslv tcalnli amateurs. The niimher rt <1 gualty e«j alcwc fot a cWep analycic ot after training erfcle detccting cituat physlcal cahaustion On the touc of tl pjttems. It ls assemed to de.etop an usec s cordtisn - wheh wll enabk >e miny bołh stalli arrl dynamu r» reacec tli* spectrum of detecteil and mafii

Anol h» area may be the inlegration of Ihu T-cIWt 4 unltormc of the aemy and ccnlcec. including emergcncy L    medical scrdccs. used In the

analysls of tatlgue. etfectleeness

Adrancnd Ouantitalw*

Physlologkal Analysls

blumrdul beta Acguiwtlun Ourng Training

Cybernetics | Faculty |^.f,


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