PRI c 06 inteligence service

PRI c 06 inteligence service

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Intelligence Service

Intelligence Service aims to enhance organization management and contact with agents. Your company got an order to perform pre-analysis of agency operations. Draw class diagram for reąuirements below.

1.    Intelligence service is divided into departments. Each of them is described by name and uniąue number. Departments employ officers. For each officer we know name, sumame, military rank, list of skills, and optionally datę of birth. The officer can be employed in one department only.

2.    Officer can manage a group of agents. A group is characterized by codę name. Group of agents can be “active”, or “sleeping”. Another officer can be assigned to the group as a second in command officer.

3.    Groups of agents can form hierarchies. One group can mclude up to 3 other groups. Each group can be a part of one group at most.

4.    A group of agents consists of from 3 to 5 agents. Agent belongs to only one group.

5.    Each agent is characterized by name, sumame, datę of recruitment.

6.    Agents can cooperate with each other working on tasks (task are described by names). One task can be carried out by from 1 to 5 agents. For each agent we remember period of time when he/she has worked on a particular task.

7.    During work on a particular task one agent is chosen to be a boss. Only one agent can be a boss for one task (boss cannot be changed).

8.    Agents write reports that should be stored in the system. A report is described by name and datę of creation. Some reports include info on source of infonnation.

9.    Agent has a codę name assigned within each report. An agent can have different codę names withm different reports.

10.    Reports are a basis for collective reports. Each collective report has a clause “top secret”, “confidential”, “public”, etc. Collective reports are divided into (1) economic (2) military (3) political.

11.    Collective report may join features of different types of collective reports e.g. economically-political report.

12.    Collective report can have attachments. Attachment is described by type, content, and optionally size.

13.    System should also storę Information on payment. For each type of collective report the payment is evaluated m the same way with exception of military reports (where dangerous conditions of work make creation of this type of report rewarded in other way).

14.    System should support the following functionalities:

7.1.    listing of all reports that were the basis for creation of a particular collective report

7.2.    calculating salary of a particular officer based on the Information about group, number and type of created reports managed by him/her

7.3.    listing agents which were not engaged in any task in a particular period of time

7.4.    addmg attachment to a collective report by specifying its type and content. For military collective reports it should also be possible to add attachment by specifying its type, content and size

7.5. listing of all sleeping groups of agents


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