Due to expansion of European Union a number of mstitutions allowed to apply for the money from the union budget has increased. Therefore, there is a need to create a new Information system supporting the process of applications review. Basing on reąuirements below create class diagram for this system.
1. The system Stores Information about support programmes for a given year (only). Each programme is descnbed by name. budget (i.e. a total value in Euro), names of members of the committee responsible for application review, and the datę that is a deadline for application submission (the deadline is the same for all programmes).
2. Support programmes are divided into categories: programmes for agriculture, programmes for environment protection, programmes for development of smali enterprises and many other (that are not yet identified). Some programmes can belong to multiple categories (e.g. programmes aiming for development of smali enterprises in agriculture). For each agriculture programme we know the side of the household for whose the programme is suited (from-to number in hectares), for programmes in environment protection we know the type of founding of investment (fuli or partial), and for programmes of smali enterprises’ development - the maximum number of employees.
3. Public mstitutions (having name, foundmg authority and headąuarters) and private mstitutions (having name, headąuarters and NIP) can submit applications for foundmg. The application can be submitted by up to 4 institutions actmg together (any combination of public or private institutions is allowed). Each application has an identifier and a justification for a founding reąuest.
4. The application can refer to unlimited number of EU support programmes. The application specifies the exact amount of money reąuested from each programme. We storę that amount as well as a total amount for the whole application.
5. The application gets a uniąue identifier in scope of each support programme lt refers to. If the application has been already evaluated we storę the notę given by a particular committee. Notes of the same application can differ from programme to programme it applies to.
6. The application has attached some additional documents (each of them has name, electronic copy of the eon tent, datę of issue). Some of those documents are official documents, additionally for those documents we know the expiry datę and other official documents linked to them. Official documents are authorised by various public institutions - documents can be authorised by up to 5 institutions (for each authorisation we storę its datę).
7. Each application is evaluated and verified after the submission deadline. Each application can be accepted or rejected based on the notę and verification result. Therefore, for each application we know its status.
8. The system should provide following functionality:
a. Evaluating of the average notę of applications in a particular year.
b. Listing all accepted applications.
c. Validating submitted documents - procedures for evaluating normal and official documents are different.
d. For each program we can evaluate payment for a member of program committee (payment is the same for all members within one programme). Algorithm of payment evaluation is the same for all programmes except for programmes for development of smali enterprises.