PRI c 06 draw class diagram

PRI c 06 draw class diagram

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Draw class diagrams descnbing situations:

1.    A person can have many accounts m the system (at least one). Account belongs to one person. For each account we know login, password and list of permissions.

2.    Student can study at up to 3 universities. One university can have from 50 to 1500 students. At each university a student can have different credit book no.

3.    Members of aeroclub can be classified as discipies or mstructors. Some instructors can strengthen their skills by taking part in courses as discipies (they adhere to the rules conceming both instructors and discipies).

4.    Person (described by name, datę of birth. list of phone numbers. age. number of pets) can have up to 5 pets. Each pet has type (cat. dog, lobster. etc.), optionally breed. Each pet belongs to one person.

5.    Italian restaurant keeps Information on dishes in menu (each dish has Polish name and optionally Italian name). Dishes are divided into vegetarian (list of ingredients is known) and meat dishes (we know land of rneat). From the other side dishes are divided mto fast dishes and dishes that needs morę time to be prepared (we know time of prepanng).

6.    In a shelter each animal is described by: spices name. ammal name. datę of birth. gender (sex). current age. We would like also keep Information about family relations - we want to know the parent/child relations. It happens that there is no such Information in register (we don't know parents of an animal).


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