M 10962
BRUSTEIN, Robert: Revolution as Theatre. Notes on the new radical style.
New York, Liveright cl971. 170 s.
M 6597/34
Cahiers Theatre Louvain. 34. La tragedie grecąue - Bibliographie des arts du spectacle et de 1'animation socio-culturelle.
Leuven, Cahiers theatre Louvain [1978], 192 s.
MA 7552
ELSOM, John: Cold War Theatre.
London, Routledge 1992. ix, 198 s.
MA 7558
ELSOM, John: Is Shakespeare still our contemporary? Edited by John Elsom. With contributions from, in alphabetical order: Mariannę Ackerman ... [et al.].
London, Routledge 1989. 192 s.
MA 7548
EVANS, Gareth Lloyd: The Language of Modem Drama.
London, Dent 1977. xx, 252 s.
FIEBACH, Joachim: Von Craig bis Brecht. Studien zu Kunstlertheorien in der ersten Halfe des 20. Jahrhunderts. 2. Aufl.
Berlin, Henschel 1977. 392 s.
FRYE, Northrop: Anatomy of Criticism. Four essays. 8th print.
New York, Atheneum 1969. x, 383 s.
Give, Get or Get Off! Challenges of cultural networking today. A report on the EFA / ISPA Conference "Cultural Networks at Works" Brussels, 8 June 2007. [Editors: Hugo De Greef, Kathrin Deventer],
Gent, European Festivals Association 2008. 205 s.
CHROBAK, Dobroslav: Cesta za umenim. Clanky, kritiky, recenzie. [Zostavil Branislav Choma], [Doslov napsali Alexander Matuśka a Branislav Choma],
Bratislava, Slow spisovatel’ 1957. 331 s.
MA 7509
JANASZEK-IVANIĆKOVA, Halina: Nowa twarz postmodernizmu.
Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego 2002. 331 s.
JANASZEK-IVANIĆKOVA, Halina - FOKKEMA, Douwe: Postmodernizm w literaturze i kulturze krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Redakcja naukowa Halina Janaszek-