Are you a ŁinsomwaH: v>ctim> The National High Tech Cnme Unit (NHTCU) of the Nethertandł poUce. the Ncthcrlandł National Prosecutors Office and Kaiperiky Lab have been workrng together to fight the ComVai/t ramomware campaign. During our joint invcłtigation we have been aUe to oblain data that can help you to deerypt the files being hetd hostage on your PC We provide both deeryption Leys and the deeryption appbcation For morę Information pteasc łee thił how-to Płcatc notę thił ił an ongoing inycłtigation and ncw fccys wiU te added in the futurę
April 29 update 13 deeryption keył added to the databaje April 17 update: 711 deeryption keył added to the databałe