tworzenia mitów, ideałów, wartości lub całokształtu tradycji. Metodologicznie inspirujące wydaje się dostrzeżenie w ANT Brunona Latoura potencjału legitymizującego konserwatyzm, zaś w „twórczym konserwatyzmie” Andrzeja Kijowskiego nie tylko nowoczesny konserwatyzm, lecz także konserwatyzm wykreowany, nieco umowny, konwencjonalny.
Andr/.ej Kijowski (1928-1985), a reniarkablc literary critic opposing the official literary culture of the PPR. utilized the concept of “creative conservatism”. His attachment to the Polish tradition did not exclude either the criticism of patriotism or the readiness to accept the modernization of the everyday lifestyle. On one hand, in the collections of his essayistic and publicistic works such as Tropy, Bolesne Prowokacje, Gdybym Był Królem, Rachunek Naszych Słabości or Granice Literatury conservatism seems to appear in the foreground. On the other hand, however, Andrzej Kijowski evoked intcllectual ferment with an opening essay to the book O Dobrym Naczelniku i Niezłomnym Rycerzu, where he emphasized conslructive aspects of crcating the myth of national heroes. What is equally surprising in the background of the oppositional thoughts and attitudes are the literary views of the Polish heritage: Dziecko Ptaka Przyniesione and Grenadier-Król. Unobvious psychological contexts of even the most sacrificial patriotic behaviours were also touched upon by Kijowski in his short stories (Pseudonimy; Szyfry). The writer was repressed for oppositional activily. He prepared specialist coverages for Polskie Porozumienie Niepodległościowe [Polish Independcnce Agreemcnt] and maintained cognitive distance towards the social activity and its motivation. In the perspective drawn by the three-volume Dziennik and the unpublished materials which are available in form of manuscripts in the National Ossoliński Institute, Kijowski turns out to be a forefather of thinking in the categories of constructivism. He relativizes the engagement of particular historical and modem characters in the public life, and the titular Etos Społeczny Literatury> Polskiej, about which hc writes in the sccond, uncensored circulation he understands as a result of conscious and deliberate techniques of creating myths, ideals. values or tradition as a whole. What seems to be methodologically inspiring is the perception of a potential legitimizing conservatism in Bruno Latour’s ANT and not only modem conservatism, but also created, somewhat established, conventional conservatism in Andrzej Kijowski*s *‘creative conservatism”.
Petya Ivanova (University of Veliko T\irnovo of St. Cyril and St. Methodius)
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