appiied across the whole country from October 10
up to 50%
of the number of all passengers allowed in public transport; face covering obligatory.
Up to 25% of the total audience allowed in theatres, cinemas and at sports events;
face covering obligatory.
Obligatory mouth and nose covering in public places -- also outdoors.
CULTURE, ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS 75% of tbe maximum number of people allowed at swimming pools
Up to 75 people allowed at special ceremonies, assemblies (from October 17).
1 person per 7 sguare meters allowed in sport facilities (gyms).
Up to 150 people allowed at social gatherings, with a distance of 1.5 m maintained; face masks obligatory.
1 person per 4 sguare meters allowed at conferences and exbibitions.
Wearing masks obligatory.
Up to 1 person per 4 square meters allowed in restaurants and bars.
O from Octolier 15.
Shops and pharmacies from 10.00 to 12.00 will be available onły to people alx>ve 60 years old.
Tbe number of people allowed in tbe hairdressers, beauty and tattoo parlours is limited to tbe clients and the Staff performing tbe service.
) www.wroclaw.pl
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