1. W Twojej szkole wprowadzono zakaz uży wania telefonów' komórkowych. Młodzież zorganizowała akcję protestacyjną. Napisz artykuł na stronę internetową szkoły, w którym zrelacjonujesz przebieg akcji oraz przedstawisz i uzasadnisz swoje stanowisko w tym konflikcie.


The ciecision ofthe school    authoritiesban mobile rnight be right

or    wrong. The ban will be lifted or not. Time will tell. But after last

e\}ents one thing is surę. We w on 7 allow the decisions to be taken without us.

When yheadmaster announced

Monday that phones would

banned. everybody was shocked. At the beginning we just couldn 7 imagine afew hours without our mobiles. But then we realized something morę

important. No body had asked us for an opinion, nobody had tried    le

It    was just another    regu la tionto conformto. That’s when the idea

break " w as bom. I m so glad so many of you joined    When the long break


started on Wednesday, nobody> chatted, nobody gossiped

yteachers' ąuestions. We just stood in the    holding hands and

displaying posters demanding our rights. We kept quiet for a    an hour

and the silence was louder than any riot w e could have organized.

I m not going to argue herethat students should be allowed to mobiles to school or use them during classes. (Qbviosjy) the    is

the students'    fauli and we should reconsider our beha\ior as    But a ban

can 7 be a sol u tion to exery problem. Even behave like    front time

to time Q)it doesn 7 rnean we should be treated as such.

I hope we will be heard soon. But I    many "silent breaks"

it will take...


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