
Kartićky pro zaky

Level A2+

You are shopping for Christmas presents.

You are visiting relatives/family.

You are baking Christmas biscuits/ cookies.

You are lighting a candle.

You are decorating a Christmas tree.

You are giving someone a Christmas present.

You are opening a present.

You are throwing a snowball.

You are wrapping up a present

You are putting a turkey in the oven.

You are writing a Christmas card.

Your are singing a Christmas carol.

You are sending a Christmas card.

You are going to church.

You are eating Christmas dinner.

You are building a snowman.

Level B2+

You are cutting Christmas bread.

You are pulling a Christmas cracker.

You are lighting a firework.

You are dressing up as Father Christmas / Santa Claus.

You are hanging up a mistletoe.

You are cracking nuts.

You are taking down Christmas decorations.

You are making New Year's resolutions.

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Ten-.o mate-ialje urcs- oouza o-o uzitfve vyuce Vfce informacja v/v/v/.fred.*'-a js.cz ©Ka<!ada:elstvi =-aus. s.r.o www.fraus cz


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