Surveyof 17 May 2017

You hjve fulfillcd tSc rcquircmcnts of th« Exlemał Ouality Assessment with the followmg anatysis

Urine Chemistry 01 (Qualitative) (171):

ValkJity 12 months

Ascorbk Ac >d





Ketone Bodies leucocytes Nitrite pH


specifk Gravrty UrobiUnogen (I) anał/m * iUj«1 to n. mu*

PartKipent 29i$ r

SPIOZ Stpatali Miejskich w Chanowie Centralne laboratorium Analitycme ul. Strłłlcow Bytormkich 11 41-500 Choriow

CusMiOort. 22 JUH 2017


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