IM.HNA1 *ONAl- IWU*MiAnut. 2010 INTM.KATCO W!UM" t ACOUTV ANO I HI IX.UA1 M> H\ l\t si *.*, %H\TtUm
. o00-10.00 K**.*i**lH»n jiwJ włkomrcortf*
•JO Oprrtinic MHUM
fkOfflr DtmtM ol lll( *tkS 1IU
r*y for tu*i«spv*n
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VVfcłX8- \2APR\120\9
^rlccmr jddre%v IUt*rtvłM»uvn
ducjttional 1'rcirjmmi'ł «nd lvho I* v«*v<». rowruS tabU. indlv
Tomasz ZIELIŃSKI, PhD Wi.iu.uo«.v«>ri<in*po«i
Unn-emty ot Econooilcj ot Katowice Lumh b"jV
Pobnd i Pre*entation oł hoMm* M
>mmjęd*nr»cr boited by IBF <>APRIL
■glstritlon and collrc
9.30-12.00 Prcientalion of participanti homt muklutlońs (S-\0 m\n per Instttuttoci} _
4.00 Tacie of Macedonia •.30 Nctworking in inull groupv.
AV’R^ 20X9 Possibllitłos lor cooperation and pannerchipbetween W\*tituttonv Moderator
Eva W°JC1K*
1AY, 10 APR1L
d xocial activitics
rtlty of Econoiw**
ynivcr^»t> poUnd
i the city centrę and a vlsrt to the Canyon ot Matka with \uncb tnctodtd at on* ot \h*
, staurants (the tour has to be previous\y orypnizcd and payed by tbe panter
9.00- 10.00 Coffee break and networkłi