}• I »*»3IC0l ot 81(11*1 P»ł>Otftr*f

TQj"r4 ki food-wufy printtof (Ił the camra n l ! mtppurf *odel 1,600«i.ioo to the Ufjnt \tn that *>u O" ihoot.J

Ił the camera ml# «w mrjapuet nodK u *•» mott of the top^uahty compact uwłt v\1 V* typu (hclućmf both IV    «ttf> i

lem fi*ed to the camera. tut* «ttr noa f»9t ** to* »"Wtf>»v*tW-lent modeli. i ter et ««ch *» r*« tiMff 1. the mi*be» of ptdww that you tan De? brh<t reedin? to rrio*d jow OWI «nU dearale tł a Urę* Air tur H uied. te about 40 per cert c< the fijuft w łabie l. »that m I MB ca* *0 hołd trute i*łł*l, and $ Ki *8 cni no«fld a huftłrt. Ił the We t<m łw flNfct hoeem. the nu*ber oł ńraęei it n ęmtfl łtKr*. hotr thit ahen you boy i uwi «*th wt pueii. you e»tl Jlto lecer* i CM and 16 *8 (flouMe the fi$u'M ęne" fe» a IM8 card ta TaM# 1 to te» hc« «any    hołd) tee«tt to

be the vwUert caid provvJed włth camera; of * and Wf meęapóeli. Ihe 6 węłfuet modeli *«l produce imoje ot up to acouhd 2.500 a 2.000

(2.600 » 2.000 - 5 m(Ułon),

«mi» • M^pM camerai ar? capabte of produemg 3 00012.000 pfeełs. Jtew.tibef. howem that eU but the ł>®ple« u**'t\ «" create unalter oe \tHje> tfm. io that you may not be wortrt«9 «>tf? marimum-tired filet alt of the fm*. The laręeit vemijvo'e«ion4l ca««ecj i :c 'i 6 rseegaptaeto. and Nikon. Canon. ConUi *nd fuji'i models aie uwady dewjned to produce pkturei oł !.*vre diłłetent wet: Ut?e. 3.008 *

2,000 • juit over 6 miUion pu*b; medium. 2.2*0 * 1.4M - 3.3 m.Uion: and uuŁ 1.60* * 1.000 - ju»t om 1.8 mtodo*. these are the three uzti that you vt Maty to me the moit but imembe' that you on alwayt eesize intaęet on youi computee.

The nwnbei of imaęet that a menwy caid cin itoie al» depends on the pictures format (jee pogn 79-81). h the file comprełied tn JPCC. o« 31*0, for witance? If w. ho« far n the file comprwied? Horę comprewton rneam an locreated Ioh oł detail but far morę unaget *WJe lew comprmton meanj lew lo» of deta>L but fewer imag«. Ot h the file u«

rtcoró the >m*9e iftw uk,f*9 *****


tMa Miny ww-1^ <*1t'fa * «« ) Wd ««    “K"^11

* afetl tf* KCW)-*9 "t&totwdttiiUWfwńnol

'rtrfrt ta the «fc tut *HtC *1 i uę. ano *wi *fcat io'«wt w& lw f*\łd W tm yean time? And «h'le cthr fcnwa wy mc.nrty 6* utabie.

(W ,t futiworooto. In addrtion. it jon ret Wtade *ny ć*U, w»ch łi rontrat .mitor. colo* adjuitment t* ihar^mnę, rtufng to the pKtumg of the ptetor* wttfńn the usm. gMng the wer the optiofl of •ikfag wy necnwiy ad)u!tfle«ti lite*. aflfe othet formats. *hich

factofi tnto actount. making ’1 mof* diffloHt to m*ke subiequent thjn^ei wthout incufłing some toit of (jiultty.

The morę iopbiitteated digkamj offer i cho«e of fotmłtł. The Nikon 0 rangę, fot iiwtance, enablei you to uve youf image! ai RAW (Ntf). WT. (RGB-T1FF). HNE (JPEG fint). BASIC (JPEG bask) and NORMAl (JPEG normal). (Sec the glouaty on pag* 251 for an eaptanation of theie ibbmiłtiom.) Tabte 2 outllnes the wimber of image* that can be itored tn the eariouł format! and file siies using a Nikon 0 and 254 MB memory catd. Notę that becauw they are Infloenced by the siie of the pwel array and a fe* other


The image capacity of various formats and file sizes

JPEG JP1 M8 image* 28! Z59 image* <8! 530 tmagei 92«

fwmat    format    JPfG

K image*    U image*    75 Image*

**"    * ł"4*'    *****    1J4 Image-,

25    "flĆfe    »5 image*


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