Krasnodar Region Prosecutor's Office. Krasnodar Region Labour Inspection and the Federal Migration Service. According to our information. nonę of the facts you mentioned have been detected by the competent bodies during their inspections at the Central Olympic Stadium construction site so far.
ZAO ENGEOCOM Enterprise, when signing contracts with contractors, requires them to comply with legislation, including in the sphere of migration and provision of workers with accommodation and food, and checks that employees have special clothing (workers without special clothing are not allowed to work). Moreover, in compliance with the requirements of the Prosecutor‘s Office and SC Olympstroy, the venue features information stands with hotfine telephone numbers for SC Olympstroy. the RF Prosecutoi^s Office and the management of ZAO ENGEOCOM Enterprise, which any employee of a generał contractor or any contractor entity may cali to report that their rights have been violated. For foreign workers that are not fluent in Russian. there are interpreters from among the engineers and other technical workers. During their field inspections, employees of the RF Prosecutor‘s Office held meetings and conversations with employees of the generał contractor and contractors. giving them clarifications on their rights according to the RF Labour Codę and employer's duties, and also interviewed them on the matter of claims and petitions for violation of their rights. No claims or petitions have been received so far.
As far as we know. our partners ZAO ENGEOCOM Enterprise along with SC Olympstroy and the competent RF authorities have initiated and are carrying out a joint inspection based on the assumptions madę in your letter.
Yours sincerely.
Charles R. Botta