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We AMOB MAQUINAS FERRAMENTAS, S.A. with legał address Rua Padre Domingos J. Pereira, n 1249. 4760-563 Louro - V.N. de Famalicao, Portugal hereby confirm that CNC-PROJEKT JANUSZ ZAGÓRSKI with legał address in ul. Rdestowa 43, 81-577 Gdynia, Poland. is an authonzed agent in Polish Market for the complete rangę of products offered by AMOB SA.
The agreerrent is valid up to 31st December 2013 and can only be cancelled before with letter from Authonzed Resportsible from AMOB SA.
Pedro Fcnciro
Exports Manager

AMOB Móquinas Ferramentas SA Rua Padre Dorrirgos J. Pereira, n2 1249 4760-563 Louro -V. N. óe Famalicao Portugal
Td . +351252 330900 Fa®. +351 252 376 S87 corrcoaJi® a mob.pt
v^ww.amob pt
MłtefO Sf Wr-tfcaęac Rxa * FT 503 050 »5 • Urcrtrre - IftM reC.FLC SeY.N.je =er*«! ac xb o n- 3*7
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