JFTIĆt 1$ £ R£3% by an Ad poncd in tbe thirdyear of tbc reipi Tmntu IgUgf of liii pccaetil Majeity, inlitulcd, *' Au Act fc» rtdacing to.rr i m. " tb* Datku of F.tcltt payabtc upon Słh aa F.tghmi. ani rrpraliog “ Iba l)Mr. -! on Salt (not batog Forciga Sali) ani rcduciag tbe Dutka • “ upon Fcrc^yi Salt, pajahlc in SwW;* tttum Dutka ot Rum
are in^BOMnl ml cooCioocd and m«: - payitie unii tbc Fiftb U January uor Ibouaand eijjhl bund red ani lacoCy-finr, Upoo Salt and Rock Salt Ml Enghnł. and opon Salt impccted liotn /nWa.WIW, and opon 'alkil łV»li importuj from Sailamd, and upon Fcctign Salt iopocted.
■ u and opon Rn i Sak -klivcn>! fcr any purpu-e of Agikulturc:
And abcfiu* by anotUr Act paatad in tbc md third year of be JOI*.c.*» Ule Ma> »ty 'i rogn. intitukd, - An Act to coaitinur unii tbe Fdk day of “ Stornu-} ooe thouiaod cight bund red ani taroty-tor. tbe Dutka of •• ClMto.ni payaUe oo Ib i tali Salt uaperted «UO ItnmJ, to rcpcal tbe ■ a " Dutka un Kcrriga Salt itnportod ioto Ittlmd, and to grani otber “ iKm ia beu tterref ;* catam Dutka on soch Salt are iaipoacd and mntmied until the sold Fiftb day of January one thounnd dgtit hu»-dred and tmtity-6ve:
And a U nu i « ia npedient tfal all Dutka, Draubacfci. Oouotka and
>■ Altowa orna, payable upon. « tor, ot in ruipect of Sali and Rock Salt, and Salteil FWab tai Fali (cecepl a» bcrdaaltrr earcpkd and pro-•rfcd foc) ani Minera! .Ulali, in any put of tbe United Kiugdcm. and upon I.kvuces for makkg Oiymarntk A ód or OiiBanute of